Meghan and Harry: we are in love - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Meghan and Harry: we are in love

''We're two people who are really happy and in love''. Meghan Markle has been speaking to Vanity Fair magazine and, boy, is the world taking notice. Almost a year on from the confirmation of her relationship with Prince Harry, Meghan has been talking about their relationship and everything in this regal garden is looking really rather rosy. Do the ironing now, 2018 looks set to be a really busy royal year.

Meghan is featured in the October edition of the magazine under the headline ''She's Just Wild About Harry'' and she really is. As well as declaring their love for each other, Meghan confirms that the couple started dating in July 2016 and that the first few months of their relationship were pretty hectic as she was working non stop while the couple hopped across oceans to see each other. But she is very clear of where they are now. Harry is called her boyfriend in no uncertain terms and she tells the magazine that this is ''our time, this is for us'' before adding ''it's part of what makes it so special, that it's just ours''.

And Meghan also drops the biggest hint yet that you need to get that bunting ready for 2018. She says ''I'm sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell...''. Yep, I'm taking that as a preview of an engagement press interview, too. 

The interview is accompanied by some gorgeous photos by Peter Lindbergh and there's plenty of chat, too, about Meghan's career and her charity work. She's also quite frank about the issues, including racism and sexism, that she's faced. The whole piece leaves the reader in no doubt of two things. Meghan is very much her own person with strong opinions and a streak of diplomacy that even that most matriarchal of Windsors, Queen Mary, would find deeply appealing. And she and her prince are very much a couple who will make the future their own when they're ready. But no one can read this and not decide that that future is definitely together.

Photo: Vanity Fair Instagram

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