Royal Outfits of the Day: January 13 - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Royal Outfits of the Day: January 13

Let's catch up with Queen Mathilde, shall we? She and King Philippe have had a couple engagements in the new year so far. There was this, a meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk, to start:
Natan, obviously (both of today's outfits are). I long for a richer color and fabric, but the soft colors do suit her. Classic Mathilde. Mmhmm.

And then we left the realm of the Mmhmm and headed straight for the Hmm..
This was a New Year's reception for the Diplomatic Corps, which might have been a court dress occasion in certain other countries (Britain and the Netherlands even have gala receptions for diplomats, at other times of the year). Not in Belgium though, they don't play that game.
But this whole voluminous, uh, situation makes me wish they did. Court dress or gala, either way. Because this looks like Mathilde started growing out what would have been a cape or train capable of such epic proportion it could even teach Máxima a thing or two...and instead just gave up half way and called it good.

Photos: Laurie Dieffembacq/AFP via Getty Images, @MonarchieBe, @RTLPlaceRoyale

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