Today's post incorporates two of my New Year's resolutions - becoming healthier/fitter and trying new foods. I am honestly one of the fussiest people when it comes to food - if it looks gross, then I won't be eating it. However, I've been trying lots of new foods and have 90% liked those that I've eaten.
Protein bars are something I've never really delved into before, despite wanting to know what they taste like and if they work effectively. I am in no way a fitness expert but believe protein bars to be either a healthy snack or a fitness stimulant prior to exercise, helping to gain muscle. Recently, I've discovered Crobar - a brand that has created an obscure protein bar (containing cricket flour!) in which is more economically friendly to the environment, as well as helping you to achieve your goals.
PEANUT & CRICKET FLOUR - Peanuts, Sultanas, Dates, Sunflower Seeds and Cricket Flour (182 calories per 40g bar)
CACAO & CRICKET FLOUR - Cashews, Sunflowers Seeds, Sultanas, Dates, Chia Seeds, Cricket Flour, Cacao Powder, Goji Berries, Cacao Nibs and Natural Flavouring (183 calories per 40g bar)
As the bars are sourced from animal protein, they ensure all 9 essential amino acids enter the body. Also, iron levels are extremely high - surprisingly, crickets hold twice as much iron as spinach do! Moreover, Gathr Food's Crobars aid efficient use of animal feed, less water and air pollution, reduce food waste and enhance better animal welfare.
For myself, I would describe this to have an acquired taste - something in which I am not familiar with. Unfortunately, I cannot compare this to an alternative protein bar as I haven't ventured out to try out yet. The taste, personally, was quite bitter and I personally didn't enjoy them; however, if you love the taste of dates and sultanas you will probably be very pleased.
Have you ever tried protein bars before? What do you think of them?
Lots of love