Rustic & Autumnal were the order of the day for Helen & Dougal's fabulous Lake District wedding day, they'd provided us with a super informative mood board which really helped us to create some stunning sample designs for them to see a few weeks prior to their big day, we have a great knowledge of The Wild Boar in Crook so we knew exactly what work for the Bridal party and on the dining tables there.
Lavender was most definitely top of Helen's list of flowers she loved and Thistles were absolutely essential, nod to their Scottish heritage and perfect for an autumn wedding day up in the English Lake District, perfectly rustic.
Simple posies in recycled glass vessels with wooden candlesticks and tree stumps were perfect examples of the designs we intended to make for them.
Tied Lavender Napkin dressings were also created as a sample
At long last the big day arrived and we headed off to The Wild Boar in Crook we were looking forward to a great day working alongside some seriously brilliant wedding professionals Lisa Aldersley & Dj Gary Mills
I had the huge pleasure of presenting our gorgeous Bride with her wedding bouquet, she was getting ready in my favourite bedroom at The Wild Boar 'The Large White' all of the rooms are named after pigs.

I showed Helen & her Bridesmaid's how to carry their bouquets perfectly
The Bridal Bouquets were created using lots of wild and rustic style materials yet we still kept the designs quite neat and tidy in line with our Bride's brief
A combination of Grasses, Berries, Roses, Thistles, Heathers, Hydrangea, Tulips and Herbs created the most heavenly fragrance
I adored all of the glorious autumn materials we got to use in Helen's wedding bouquet, Viburnum Tinus & Skimmia Berries, Veronica, Blackberries, Wax Flower, Tulips, Snowberry, Lavender, English Garden Rose Darcey and Cool Water, Memory Lane & Snowflake Roses, Eryngium Thistles, fresh Heather, Chasmanthium Latifolia and Panicum grasses and foliages
This beautiful image was by the pro photographer on the day the lovely Lisa Aldersley
Downstairs the fires were lit and a warm cosy atmosphere prevailed
A Beautiful Floral Heart graced the door leading through to the dining room
Collections of fresh flowers dressed every available surface
The Registrars table was dressed in a rustic style
Candlelit lanterns with Autumn Leaves and Rose Petals decorated the aisle
Posies of dried fragrant Lavender dressed the chairs lining the aisle
Posies and Candlelit orbs were hanging from the beams
Fresh Helebores & Hydrangeas
We loved all of the personal details around the Wild Boar, every space felt like it belonged to Helen & Dougal
We lined up the boutonnieres ready to pin them on, as a wedding and event florist we really do take a pride in pinning on the boutonnieres it's so wonderful to see them fit their owners so perfectly, matching their outfits.
The Bride Groom's rather special Thistle & Heather Boutonniere
Dougal's Boutonniere looked perfect on his Kilt suit
Thistle and Heather Boutonniere
Beautiful ruby red wrist corsage
Ladies Black and ivory Boutonniere
Cerise Pink Wrist Corsage
Thistle Boutonniere
A Boutonniere of fresh Rosemary, Thistles, Heather and Rosemary bound with natural jute
A Boutonniere of fresh Snowberries, Thistles, Lavender and Rosemary xxx
The Wrist corsages matched the outfits beautifully
A Memory Lane Rose Boutonniere to match the tie
The lovely naked wedding cake was made by the great folks at Little Chamonix Cafe
Just love this glorious wedding bouquet in shades of mauves, lavenders, lilacs and deep pinks, it's rather like a tapestry, the textures are just so reminiscent of the Lake District country side and couldn't look more perfect at The Wild Boar
Huge Congratulations to Helen & Dougal from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
The Wild Board make the most delicious canapes...
Beer brewed in The Wild Boar's own Brewery
The deep purple Bridesmaids Gowns looked perfect with their rustic purple Bridesmaid's Bouquets
The Bridesmaid's were wearing fresh Rose Buds and Gypsophilia in their hair
The Fresh Rose Petal Confetti had been handed out along with some dried petal Confetti ready for our Bride & Groom
Such a stunning and glorious autumn Wedding Bouquet of Viburnum Tinus & Skimmia Berries, Veronica, Blackberries, Wax Flower, Tulips, Snowberry, Lavender, English Garden Rose Darcey and Cool Water, Memory Lane & Snowflake Roses, Eryngium Thistles, fresh Heather, Chasmanthium Latifolia and Panicum grasses and foliages
Some of the following images are by the very lovely Lisa Aldersely
A transformation had taken place in the dining rooms at The Wild Boar, whilst the guests enjoyed the drinks and canapes we'd been busty little event florists creating a stunning setting for the wedding breakfast

Each table was decorated with a unique collection of vessels and candles set on tree stumps with autumn leaves and fir cones

We'd used recycled glass vessels and filled them with posies of autumn flowers
I adore this particular variety of Hydrangea it's called 'You & Me Together'
The Dried Lavender Napkin dressings looked perfect
Bottles and tea light orbs were hanging from the beams
On our way home we stopped off to take this gorgeous pic of Pumpkins by the side of the road
Huge thanks to Helen & Dougal for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers for them