As a Lancashire Wedding Florist we have the pleasure of working at some of the most magnificent wedding venues, Browsholme Hall & Tithe Barn is one of our all time favourites. Dominic & Melanie had created an exquisite mood board for us to be inspired by. The wedding colour palette included classic ivory and white shades teamed with vintage and antique pink shades.
Following the mood board meeting we got together again with our fab Bride & Groom to present a collection of sample bridal designs

The Wedding bouquet included fresh Lily of the Valley, Quick Sand, Amnesia, Sweet Avalanche & Keira Roses, Silver Eryngium, Albiflora, Viburnum and Snow Berries with fresh Hydrangeas, Thalaspi and Eucalyptus
Sample Amnesia Rose Boutonniere created for the Bride Groom
Suggestion for the seating plan
A sample table design; a Baroque Candelabra draped with strings of pearls
At long last the Big Day arrived and Jason had the huge pleasure of presenting the Bridal Bouquets which included a beautiful Wedding bouquet of fresh Lily of the Valley, Quicksand, Amnesia, Sweet Avalanche & Keira Roses, Anemones, Astrantia, Silver Eryngium, Albiflora, Viburnum and Snow Berries with fresh Hydrangeas, Thalaspi and Eucalyptus

The super handsome Bride Groom Dominic was first to have his rather special Boutonniere pinned to his lapel
Gorgeous Boutonniere featuring an Amnesia Rose
Inside the Tithe Barn at Browsholme Hall the scene was set with magnificent candelabras dressed with fresh flowers framing the scene
Our Baroque Candelabras were set on pedestals framing the foot and the head of the aisle, candlelit lanterns and fresh fragrant Rose Petals lined the aisle
Fresh vintage Roses, Snowberry, Stocks, Hydrangeas and foliages dressed the Baroque Candelabras perfectly
Browsholme Hall and Tithe Barn is the most atmospheric setting for the ceremony
Posies of fresh flowers decorated each alternate chair lining the aisle
Posies in jam jars of Roses, Anemones, Hydrangeas and Thistles decorated the the chairs lining the aisle
A candlelit swag of fresh flowers dressed the Registrars table
The ceiling and table lace drapes were done by Dawn at Creative Cover Hire
The beautiful Bridesmaids were wearing pale rose pink gowns their Bridesmaid's bouquets matched their gowns exquisitely
Beautiful vintage pink and ivory Bridesmaids Bouquets
Our stunning Bride Melanie literally took everyone's breath away as she arrived with her super proud Dad
Huge Congratulations to Melanie & Dominic from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
Wedding bouquet of fresh Lily of the Valley, Quicksand, Amnesia, Sweet Avalanche & Keira Roses, Anemones, Astrantia, Silver Eryngium, Albiflora, Viburnum and Snow Berries with fresh Hydrangeas, Thalaspi and Eucalyptus
The Tithe Barn at Browholme Hall looked breathtakingly beautiful each table dressed with a magnificent candelabra
The candelabras created a warm, Cosy and romantic atmosphere
The top table was set up in a horseshoe shape, dressed with candles and posies with the huge swag of fresh flowers perched on the front of the table
Huge thanks to Melanie & Dominic for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers for them