Looking towards Christmas, today we are looking at my wreath workshops.
Are you wanting to get creative this Christmas?
This post was originally from last year, I have one definite date of 9th December 2-4pm at An Shen Acunpunture once again, where we will be creating designs similar to the photos below.
There will be other dates, just waiting to confirm. Please keep an eye on social media and on the website which will have a brand new page just for workshops through the year.
This last weekend was filled with Christmas Wreath Workshop activity. I now have 2 venues - 1 at Willingham by Stow Village Hall and 1 at An Shen Acupuncture Clinic on West Parade in Lincoln. Both are lovely rooms suitable for workshops and easy to get to for those attending.
The classes run for 2 hours which is plenty of time to learn the art of wreath making.
I use 10" Foam rings and bring a variety of foliage - Blue spruce, holly, yew and 2 types of cupress and let each individual choose which to use. I like to let the creativeness flow, no painting by numbers here. Each wreath will be different.
(Sorry the photos are upside down, no idea why!!)
Once we are 'greened up' the decoration begins. A variety of ribbons, apples, oranges, baubles, tinsel, cinnamon sticks, cones and berries and artificial flowers can be mixed and matched.
Most have once again gone for natural looking wreaths but after being asked last year I took a few fairy lights along (A small additional fee) and several ladies added these in.
Some stuck to a mix of cuppress and yew (above) and some to all spruce (below)
What would your choice be?
Tinsel and baubles perhaps?
Or a mix of all foliage?
Everyone concentrating - we have cake to help!
The really fun part - learning how to make bows. I show better than explain!
A few examples of the wreaths in pride of place. Thank you to those of you who have shared.
If you missed out or would like to join us again next year we already have a date in the diary for Saturday 9th December 2-4pm at An Shen Acupuncture on West Parade. £25 per person. A small deposit at this time will hold your place. All payment must be made prior to attending. Places limited.
To book click here (You will have to scroll through the year to get to the right date on Christmas Workshop).
Or ring or email to let me know of your interest.
Keep your eye out for other workshops through the year. One for Mothering Sunday being planned. Details to follow.
If you would like to book a private workshop party please email to discuss your requirements.
Sandra x