News Update

she's not a whore, just wanita biasa.

OK  dan pastinya I AM IN LOVE WITH MILEY CYRUS. Disebalik suara garau  jantannya dan muka yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai boleh ditampar, she is quite talented as an actress. Lagu yang Miley main dekat piano extravaganza dekat rumah kekasih hati dia dalam cerita THE LAST SONG sangat mendayu.

Bila mula-mula tengok, buat muka paling jijik, konon-konon terganggu jiwa tapi lepas satu jam terus peluk bantal buat muka syok sendiri sambil otak melayang dalam otak terus ada bubble,

Kalaulah aku kaya, aku nak rumah tepi pantai lepas tu nak suruh orang tanam telur penyu dekat tepi rumah, lepas nak rebel sangat-sangat lantas terus meluru ke pesta tepi pantai sambil pegang milkshake (kalau tak ada, AIR SIRAP pun jadilah) dan tunggu orang langgar aku. Lepas dah langgar terus tanya,

"Ayah awak ada kilang/kedai dekat seluruh asia tak, kalau ada boleh bercinta?"

why Miley why?

kenapa kisah cinta dalam cerita kau nak perfect saja? tak boleh ke Liam Hemsworth tu anak owner kilang cencaluk ke? belacan ke? ikan kering ke? kata duduk dekat pantai?


Abdulla, bapa color blocking.

I must say that i miss writing, it has been awhile since the last post and YES and I am aware of those bashing comments in prior entry. Bukan malas menulis, lebih kepada ketiadaan idea untuk menulis. Tiada aktiviti menarik or anything fun to be updated here.

Anyhow I am quite annoyed by the whole BERSIH rally. I shall consider myself a non participant in any form of political belief but since this event has caused severe friend-killing galore on facebook and twitter, i must say that yellow is refreshing and devastating.

Kelakar bila fikir balik how people think about colors maybe 10 years back, circa 2001. Kalau semua ingat cerita SPANAR JAYA on NTV7, watak Abdulla  lakonan Radhi Khalid dengan pakaian warna-warni dan ingat lagi macamana my mother commented,

"Baju apalah dia pakai ni, dengan warna warni, dia ingat raya aidil fitri ke? konsep mat bangla ke ni? disturbing"
Now, today look at the world, particularly the fashion world, OK straight to the point, I just want to say, peribahasa melayu yang berbunyi,

"tangan ibu yang mendodoi mengoncang dunia"

harus di tukar kepada,

"Baju Abdulla warna keramat berjaya mengoncang dunia"

Terima kasih Abdulla, andalah bapa pemodenan fesyen dan tunjang utama idealogi color blocking.

Nota Kaki : Idea entry ini datang dari entry Pelayo Diaz dan dengan bukti ini maka terbuktilah bukanlah Andre Leon Talley atau Anna Wintor yang jadi penggerak gaya fesyen, tapi Abdulla Spannar Jaya. Malaysia Boleh!

Tanpa badan sekekar Pelayo Diaz dan muka sekacak beliau, kalau pakai sandal warna biru begini akan mengakibatkan caci maki dan gerak tawa rakan taulan tapi "Who cares?"

Using Blue Wedding Flowers in Your Wedding Bouquets, Centerpieces and Flower Arrangements

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/For most modern couples, the use of blue flowers and decorations in their weddings symbolizes unity and grandeur. Also the color blue adds class and elegance to any kinds of weddings, be it a formal wedding or a casual one. And there are plenty of shades to choose from with this color, just be careful in choosing the shades you want to include in your blue wedding decor because the hues might clash with each other.

Blue wedding flowers have a striking appeal if combined with other colors, however these flowers are not meant to be the main theme of your wedding flowers. Dark blue wedding flowers like navy blue wedding flowers go well with purple wedding flowers, because the color purple can add richness to the cool blue flowers. A prime example would be Delphinium flowers with purple ivy and ferns.

Flowers are very delicate to arrange, but with a perfect color combination, you'll get wonderful bouquets and flower arrangements. If you want roses, you can either have white roses dyed blue or mix white roses with blue flowers instead. Blue and white wedding flowers can really make a striking combination.

To add a dramatic splendor to your reception, blue and yellow flowers would be a great combination to use. The yellow flowers will lighten the color of your blue flowers. With yellow flowers as accents, you can embellish your decorations with gold ribbons and still won't look odd. You can use iris in blue and yellow as decorations in your reception, perfect as table centerpieces.

Royal blue is another gorgeous color to highlight your wedding. These flowers offer a sophisticated look when combine with pretty pink flowers. Also, light blue flowers go well with pink flowers. This combination is perfect for wedding bouquets and centerpieces as well. Green wedding flowers in olive green and lemon green also look good when paired up with blue flowers.

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Also, if you're wedding colors are blue, and you're going to wear a blue bridal dress (or have your bridesmaids wear blue), your blue wedding flowers cannot be seen in your wedding photos. So it is advisable to combine your blue flowers with flowers in different colors to make it stand out among the other blue wedding decorations. Blue flowers are not advisable to use if your wedding will happen during night time; use light colors instead.

These wedding ideas will make your wedding planning a bit easier when you want nice floral arrangements for your wedding. Though arranging blue wedding flowers is somewhat difficult, it is very versatile that you can combine it with decorations in any color and have a remarkable effect that can only be achieved with unique choices. Finding the perfect match for your floral choices is like finding your groom; a bit tough but it's really worth it.
The Perfect Wedding Flower Decoration

The Perfect Wedding Flower Decoration

Orange blossoms, sunflowers, roses and dahlias; violets and lilies; orchids and tulips: all flowers are beautiful. They are also a symbol of love. And an inevitable part of all wedding ceremonies. So inevitable, that many couples go crazy when having to choose the flower decoration for their wedding party. Wedding flower decoration is vital for this red-letter day in everyone's life. Flower designs can be different and can translate various meanings to the guests of the wedding party. Many things can be concluded about the bride and bridegroom's future marriage, depending on the choice of their wedding flower decorations. If your wedding ceremony is getting closer, perhaps it is time to choose your flower decoration that will make the celebration unforgettable.

Wedding flower decoration can be of various kinds. You can choose a large arch of flowers or a centre-piece, or both- everything is suitable depending on your taste. Use your own creative imagination and choose the best flower decoration for the great event. It is important that you decide on flower arrangement that suits your wedding settings. Choose a color combination that appeals to you and is in harmony with the entire setting. The flower decoration can consist of seasonal and local flowers. You should as specifically as possible decide on the size, shape and color for the different flower arrangements. You may easily get some piece of advice from a magazine: there are large varieties of all kinds of flowers. Silk flowers and dried flowers can be an opportunity, too. Remember: your wedding flower decoration is meant to express you and your personal style, but comply also with your loved one's taste. Additional factors should influence your choice: the season, the time of day for the party, the location atmosphere and so on. These weather conditions make a difference and you should have them in mind before deciding strongly on something. A cunning way to make wedding flower decoration suitable is color blocking. Color blocking is called the procedure of choosing a specific color or combination of several colors and using it as the leading nuance when you create all your wedding settings. For example, you may choose the classical white, and put white orchids on the white tablecloths, and prepare your wedding bouquet with white being the predominant color.

There are several types of flower arrangements that are used during the ceremony.

BOUQUETS. They are flower decorations for the bride. A wedding bouquet must be carefully chosen depending on the personal characteristics of the woman. Its color must stress on her individuality, and its shape must emphasize on her body silhouette, giving her the best possible looks. There are many different wedding bouquets, and their design depends on the bride's skin tone, body proportion, facial appearance and attire.

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/BOUTONNIERES. These flower decorations are worn by the groom and his attendance, also by the ushers, and the bride's and groom's fathers. They are made of small flower buds attached on the left lapel of the jacket.

CORSAGES. They can be worn in pin-on, wrists and hand-held styles. As a flower decoration they combine a small bloom or several blooms tied together.

WREATHS. This is a splendid flower decoration that has a round shape. The rings of flowers are used as centerpieces, headpieces or door hangers.

CANDELABRA. They are made of flowing greens in the shape of ribbons. They are put at the base, neck or top of multi-armed candelabra.
Silk Wedding Flowers - Should I Choose Silk Flowers for My Wedding

Silk Wedding Flowers - Should I Choose Silk Flowers for My Wedding

When you are planning your Wedding Flowers Silk Wedding flowers may be worth considering. For many brides there are a number of advantages to be gained from choosing Silk.

The advantages of Silk Wedding Flowers

Hay Fever.. If you or any of your guests have an allergy to pollen or hay fever - silk wedding flowers will be ideal.

Transport Perfectly.. If you are getting married abroad then Silk Wedding flowers are easily transported. They will arrive in perfect condition without any fuss.

No Seasons.. You can choose your favourite flower varieties what ever the season - Silk wedding Flowers varieties are always in season!

Long Lasting.. When fresh wedding flowers have faded away your silk wedding flowers can be a long lasting memory of your wedding.

Robust.. Silk Wedding flowers don't wilt or break easily and the pollen won't stain your clothes.

Light Weight.. Compared to fresh flowers silk wedding flowers are lighter to carry.

Preparation.. Your Silk Wedding flowers can be made up weeks or even months before your wedding allowing you to make any adjustments that you like.

Re-Useable.. After the wedding your Silk wedding flowers can be re-used in decorations for your home.

The dis-advantages of Silk Wedding Flowers

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Perfect Reproductions?.. There is a perception that silk wedding flowers will look fake and tacky - whilst there have been vast improvements in the appearance of Silk flowers - some flowers such as Calla Lilies are difficult to fake. Having said that there are some flowers varieties that are incredibly realistic and quite beautiful but you will need to shop around for them - good quality Silk wedding flowers aren't the cheap option and can be expensive.

Fragrance.. Silk flowers don't smell as beautifully as fresh flowers.

Choice.. The vast choice of colour, variety, shape and scent of real flowers cannot be faked - real flowers can create a completely unique mood for your day.

Selections.. If you are choosing Silk Wedding flowers also consider mixing and matching fresh and silk - maybe a fresh flower bouquet with Silk table arrangements.

If you are still in doubt as to whether to choose Silk flowers for your wedding - chat through ideas with your florist and visit them to see the quality of the Silk wedding flowers for yourself.
How to Create Your Own Wedding Flowers Without High Priced Florists

How to Create Your Own Wedding Flowers Without High Priced Florists

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/As your wedding day approaches one of the most important things that you need to plan is the myriad of wedding flowers that will be needed at the wedding ceremony and reception.

Buttonaires for the men, bouquets for the bride and bridesmaids, centerpieces and arrangements all need to be carefully planned and coordinated to give just the right look to your wedding day.

Once you add up the cost of the flowers and the price of arranging and delivering the finished wedding flowers to the place of your ceremony and reception, the cost can be staggering.

In fact, the average cost for wedding flowers can easily approach $2,000.00 or more nationwide. A majority of that cost is the fee charged by a professional florist to make up the wedding bouquets and wedding flower arrangements.

If this seems ridiculous, it is !

How to create your own wedding flowers without a high priced florist

Taking a stand against exorbitant wedding flower costs is one thing, but what's the alternative? Many brides are opting to bypass florists and make their own wedding flowers. It's not rocket science but you have to make a plan, get some information and source your wedding flowers.

Here's a few tips.

o Get a book on wedding flower arrangements. Look through the photos and styles and pick the type of flowers and arrangements that fit the theme and time of year for your wedding.

o Buy some flowers locally and practice making arrangements and bouquets until you achieve the look that you want.

o Find a local grower in your area that you can buy your wedding flowers from directly. This will save you a lot of money as you will be bypassing the middleman and the retailer who marks the flowers up and pockets the difference

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Considering the fact that an average wedding can easily cost more than $26,0000, it really makes sense to create your own professional looking wedding flowers without sending your florist on a trip to Hawaii ! Hey, you're the one that's getting married, the money you save could send you and your new hubby on a honeymoon you'll remember for the rest of your life.

Consider making your own wedding flowers and buying the flowers direct from a grower. You will be adding a very personal touch to your wedding and saving a lot of money as well.
Ruangan nostalgia glam serakah.

Ruangan nostalgia glam serakah.

Bila duduk diam-diam teringat waktu kerja hari tu, bila datang budak baru. Konon-konon kita ni dah super seniorlah dah kerja lebih 3 minggu. Diorang tanya,

"Dekat sini bila jaga kaunter macamana ek?"

Lantas terus jawab, "Kena protective, dan jangan percaya dengan sesiapa, walaupun Noraniza Idris atau Robert Pattinson tanpa baju"

"Habis tu nak percaya siapa? Kau percaya aku tak"

Dengan riak muka paling serious terus jawab,

"Tak, aku hanya percaya kepada diri sendiri dan Milan Fashion week"

Glam gila aku. Thanks.

Glam seperti John Galliano Uomo 2012
Making Wedding Flower Arrangements

Making Wedding Flower Arrangements

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/The wedding flowers have vital roles in the wedding. Adding wedding flowers, the florists add the elegant element of romance, style, happiness, beauty, and charisma. To make wedding flower arrangements, the florists need to know several important considerations.

Florist is a professional flower arranger who arranges flowers for any occasion. In a wedding, the florist usually arrange flowers for centerpieces, corsages, hairclips, bouquets, flower girl baskets, nosegays, headpieces, buttonholes, and décor.

Planning the flower arrangements in wedding, the florists needs to know the degree of formality, design of wedding cakes, number of guests, number of tables, layout of wedding reception, layout of the church, dresses in wedding, time of day, and sponsors in wedding. After the florist collected the information, the florist decides the best designs, color, and theme for the flower arrangements.

The centerpiece in wedding reception can be a floral centerpiece that goes well with the wedding cake, dresses, attire, venue, and tables. The floral centerpiece will set the mood for romance in the wedding reception.

The source of wedding flowers is vital to do your own flower arrangements. As you can see, you need to buy in bulk. The florist shop may or may not be able to supply in bulk. So, there is a little bit of research. The general rule is to get the flowers three days in advance. So, you have three days to come up of flower arrangements.

The flowers, that is readily available in the season and domestically grown in the area, will save you a substantial amount of money. It pays to know the different flowers readily available for a particular season.

For all year around, the Carnation, Gardenia, Gladiolus, Lily of the Valley, Stephanotis, and Roses are readily available and fresh flowers.

For the winter season, the Calla Lily, Camellia, Forget-Me-Not, Holly, Ivy, Orchid, Poinsettia, and Tulip are readily available and fresh flowers.

For the spring season, the Anemone, Apple Blossom, Calla Lily, Daffodil, Forsythia, Geranium, Hyacinth, Iris, Jonquil, Lilac, Larkspur, Magnolia, Narcissus, Orange Blossom, Tulip, and Violetrichly are readily available and fresh flowers.

For the summer season, the Aster, Calla Lily, Daisy, Hydrangea, Forget-Me-Not, Peony, Sweet Pea, and Zinnia are readily available and fresh flowers.
For the fall season, the Aster, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Marigold, and Zinnia are readily available and fresh flowers.

That takes care of the wedding flowers. Now, you need tools to create the lasting flower arrangements. In hobby, home improvement, or florist shop, you will be able to get the floral tapes, wires, wire cutters, scissors, ribbons, baskets, containers, and hairclips.

Definitely, the bride or groom can decide to hire the florist or to be a florist. As a self-made florist, you will probably save a substantial amount of money. As you can see, there are many things involve too. To hire a florist is not bad idea as well.

Bersatu kita teguh, Kau hodoh dibenci sampai mati.

By now if you actually read what I have written, you would probably know that I love fashion. Selalu bila jumpa rakan-rakan baru or a total stranger, lepas tu diorang tanya,

"Anyhow, what is your interest?"

Tanpa perlu menyeru semangat Lady Gaga terus jawab "I read law but I just heart fashion so bloody much"

Lantas dijawab "You should try fashion designing"

Terus rasa nak jawab "Kalau mak aku enjoy buat sambal belacan, mama kena jadi tauke kilang belacan ke?"

Dah telanjur cerita fasal karut-karut I just want to say that I am absolutely disappointed with Glam. I think is it just a waste for any magazine with that tremendous sources to be publishing such dismal content. Bagi sesiapa yang beli, tengoklah sendiri barang-barang yang di review.

For goodness sake, what is the possibility of us, readers between the age of 19 to 30 years old to be able to purchase a Vertu phone that cost RM 97, 000. Bak kata mama saya,

"Apa kau ingat aku cop duit? duit tumbuh dari pokok bunga kertas?"

I think the main problem with the editorial team is that, diorang syok sendiri, if you can see from all the columns diorang ada gaya penulisan begini, aku as a contributor journalist, interview kau, kau interview aku, senang cerita. Please please and please do something, your magazine is dying.

For editorial, please stop using the same model for every issue, naik muak tengok, based from all your issues, bila baca rasa macam dekat Malaysia ni ada satu je model. That malay dude, and if your justification of using him is because he possesses that special Je na sais quoi every D&G models like Vladimir Ivanov, or David Gandy  have.

You are so wrong.

In addition to this, Glam macam tiada glam dengan cerita-cerita mengarut, especially on sex, make up sex? Homaigod, itu semua boleh dapat di internet. OK kalau terus kutuk-kutuk tahun depan baru habis.

Sementara korang buat revolution, rasanya Majalah August sahajalah dapat memuaskan nafsu serakahku.

Nota kaki : Bila tengok semua editorial Glam tunjuk baju-baju international designers rasa geli pula, macam Malaysia tiada designer je. Apa kata gabungkan perfectly cut suit from D&G dengan tshirt from Padani and Skarf from Tom Abang Saufi. Cintailah produk Malaysia.
Fresh Wedding Flowers - Have You Ordered These Nine Arrangements For Your Wedding Day

Fresh Wedding Flowers - Have You Ordered These Nine Arrangements For Your Wedding Day

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Why is it important to organize your fresh wedding flowers for your wedding day?

After all, planning a wedding involves lots of details. There are rings to buy. You need to make a list of friends and family to invite. A wedding dress to order. A marriage license to apply for. Showers, parties, and much, much more.

And, you have so many people to keep track of. Bridesmaids and a maid of honor to select. Ushers, groomsmen, your mom and dad, the groom's mom and dad. Grandma and Grandpa. Oh yes, your husband to be. A flower girl and ring bearer.

Why Flowers are Important to Your Wedding Party
Each of these people are important to you and take a visible role in your wedding. They march down the aisle at church. They attend your reception. They are in your wedding photos.

Each of your special guests wears a special arrangement of fresh wedding flowers to belebrate your day with you. Wedding flowers are a sign of a fresh new life. The oldest story of a man and woman joined in marriage is Adam and Eve in a garden, the Garden of Eden.

As a brand new bride, you want your wedding party to feel a part of the wedding. And, you don't want to be embarrassed at the last minute by forgetting to give a corsage to your mother-in-law to be.

Carrying or wearing flowers is a sign of belonging. It is like wearing a badge. When your guests see your wedding party wearing flowers, they know who belongs.

How to Remember Your Wedding Party with Fresh Wedding Flowers
There are nine types of wedding flower arrangements that you can honor your wedding party, depending on who is in your wedding. Let's review each type.

The Bridal Bouquet
This wedding flower arrangement is your signature bouquet that you carry throughout your wedding ceremony. You may match your wedding gown with white roses, or use another color that goes along with your wedding theme. You can select a simple bouquet of daisies, an elaborate bouquet of mixed flowers including calla lilies. Bridal bouquets can be small or large with 10 to 15 flowers to 50 or more flowers.

Maid of Honor Bouquet
Your maid (or matron) of honor is your special friend who walks with you through your engagement and wedding planning. She is an official witness to your marriage when she signs your marriage certificate. She holds your bouquet at different times during your wedding, and she carries her own bouquet, too.

Bridesmaid's Bouquets
Depending on the size of your wedding party, you may have several friends serve as your bridesmaids. Each of them should carry their own bouquet, that reflects your own bridal bouquet. A smaller, simpler bouquet that matches their dresses and your color scheme looks lovely at your wedding and in your photographs.

Toss Bouquet
Many modern brides use a small bouquet to toss to the women at their wedding reception. A toss bouquet serves this purpose. Normally, a toss bouquet is made of the same flowers as your bridal bouquet. By using a toss bouquet, you can keep your bridal bouquet and preserve it.

Mother's Petite Hand Tied
Your mom has stood by you for many years and this is a special day for her, too. You can order a petite hand-tied bouquet, with lacy ribbons that matches your own bouquet. Imagine the love and joy your mom will have as she walks down the aisle with her own bouquet, remembering her own wedding day and being happy in your special day.

Flower Girl Petal Bouquet
If you have a flower girl in your wedding procession, she may spread rose petals or simply carry a petal bouquet to walk with you during your wedding day. Your flower girl may be a member of your family, like a young cousin or a niece, who is special to you. She will look darling and be absolutely thrilled to carry her own little bouquet in your wedding.

Your groom, the groomsmen, your father and the father of your husband, grandfathers, ushers, and other special men wear a simple flower pinned to the lapel of their tuxedos or suits. This boutonniere is like a badge that they are an official part of the wedding. They are like your company of knights who escort the queen to the altar on her wedding day. Make sure to honor them.

Pin Corsages
The special women in your wedding party, your special aunts, mother of the groom, grandmothers often wear a corsage pinned to their dresses. These corsages match both the type and color of your fresh wedding flowers.

Wrist Corsages
You may wish to offer the mother of the groom and grandmothers a wrist corsage, a small display of flowers that are tied to the wrist. Wrist corsages are more popular these days, because they don't have pins that poke through a dress. These corsages look elegant and offer your special women a way to celebrate your wedding with you.

How to Order Your Wedding Flower Arrangements So That Everyone Belongs
Now that you know carries or wears what type of flower arrangement, it is time to plan your flower order. Simply count up who is in your wedding party, and which flowers you need for each of them.

For the bride, you will need a bridal bouquet and you may desire to have a toss bouquet.

-Order a bouquet for your maid of honor.
-One bouquet for each of your bridesmaids.
-A petite hand tied bouquet for your mom.
-Boutonnieres for your groom, dads, grandpas, groomsmen, ushers.
-Corsages for grandmas, your groom's mom, any aunts or other special women.
-The junior bouquet for your flower girl.

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Make sure to match the color of your wedding theme and coordinate the same type of flowers for each person. Ordering fresh wedding flowers may seem challenging, but it is a lot easier when you know that everyone is covered. By including everyone, and helping them feel they belong, your wedding party will share in the joy of your wedding day for years to come.

Would you like an easy way to order fresh wedding flowers for your wedding party? Fresh Wedding Flowers in a Box is a collection of every type of flower arrangement that you need for your wedding. You can choose from eight different professionally designed wedding flower packages, and three to 40 pieces. Each package includes free overnight express shipping.
sayang duit disimpan-simpan, sayang kawan kau lempang terajang sahaja.

sayang duit disimpan-simpan, sayang kawan kau lempang terajang sahaja.


Saya baru dapat gaji, dan Ya, saya kini tidak lagi bekerja di Golden Screen Cinema. It is certainly annoying whenever a friend or a total stranger ask me,

"Kau ni cuti panjang ni tak buat apa apa ke? Aku tengok muka kau makin apamlah? kau botox ke atau kau makin gabak?"

Lantas dijawab "Now part time kat GSC, kerja dekat bahagian popcorn tu. Senduk-senduk dan gossip-gossip"

Terus dijawab, "OH MY GOD! Sacré bleu .. OK seriously I nak tiket wayang please, I nak lapan."

Jambanlah kau, kau ingat aku ni anak owner GSC, suka hati sanubari je kau order kat aku.

Tak suka tau.

Anyhow cerita fasal gaji, gaji dah dapat, walaupun tak seberapa tapi haruslah berbangga, bila dapat gaji terus fikir shopping dan shopping dan shopping. Hari tu pergi dekat rejectshop Shah Alam Mall dengan rakan karib nampak sekali lagi blazer ala ala military. Saya tak macam awak semua, kaya sangat-sangat mampu beli baju dekat Zara setiap hari. So alternatif? kedai-kedai warehouse dan rejectshop. Baju cantik-cantik apa? Berbalik kepada military jacket tu, HOT gila.

dulu harga dia RM200+ sekarang dah RM160, wow. Sekarang nak tunggu harga dia RM10. Sebab beli jacket harga RM160 bersamaan dengan bekerja dari Jam 10 pagi hingga ke Jam 12 pagi mengagkat ais, merodok popkorn, membasuh bekas jus serta combo sumpah seranah dari customer dan boss selama 40 jam. Kau mampu?

Kau mampu?

Nota kaki : lepas ni kalau orang tanya "Eh kau nampak tembam macam apam gula hanguslah rizal" terus nak jawab "Sorry aku tertelan soda bikarbonat semalam waktu tolong mama buat kek"

Essence of the Wedding Flowers

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/The color combination of wedding flowers is very essential and should be chosen wisely, it should be appealing and should suit the entire set up of the wedding.

It is imperative to choose the right wedding flowers, color combination and the wedding florist whom you can trust and have confidence in. You can also select and buy your wedding flowers online or can go ahead hunting yourself and get a good deal from the market. Beautiful, captivating, dazzling flower arrangements can be prepared to entice the guests as they walk into the reception venue. An experienced florist can be a great guide in order to help you select the right shape, size and style of the bouquet and wedding flowers that would suit your style and personality. The chairs in which the bride and groom would be seated can also be beautifully decorated with stunning flower arrangement. You can decorate the church and the reception venue with the same theme and wedding flowers that you have selected. It would in true sense be a world made especially for you to welcome the beautiful journey that you are about to begin with your life partner.

When you start going through the pictures of beautiful wedding flowers and decorations, it becomes very difficult to decide the best flower decoration that would suit your wedding perfectly. You can find lots of wedding flower companies online that can guide you as to what would be the best suitable option for you. If you want you can order wedding flowers from them or can go head hunting by yourself to get a good deal from the wholesalers.

You can find beautiful wedding flowers that can be woven together and turned into captivating centerpieces. These fancy and intricate arrangements will surely imbue your wedding. You can choose different types of wedding flowers like the calla lilies, hydrangea, peonies, sweet peas, tulip etc.

Consult your florist on the kind of wedding flowers that would suit your style and also regarding the range of shapes, sizes and styles of bouquets available. There is so much that can be done with wedding flowers, a good and experienced florist can create dazzling center pieces that would surely make a statement in itself when beautifully placed and decorated on the tables. Many kinds of wedding flowers can be used like fall wedding flowers, silk wedding flowers, spring wedding flowers and the list goes on.

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/The chairs can also be beautifully decorated for the bride and groom with the flowers that have been pre decided for the wedding. A competent flower designer will have great and brilliant ideas which he can share and discuss with you and show you a proof of what and how he is going to decorate the venue.

It is important to have faith and trust on the florist that you select for your wedding and know that they would make your wedding a successful event as they would have done for their own relatives. The wedding flowers that you choose can be the central theme at the church as well as the reception. Choosing the right flowers would definitely make the place look more beautiful and give you a great feel on the big day. Wedding flowers are a very essential part of anyone's wedding and are treasured traditions of romance. Wedding flower arrangement makes the chosen venue look beautiful, stylish and charismatic.
Choosing Your Wedding Flowers

Choosing Your Wedding Flowers

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Flowers are as essential to a wedding as the bride's beautiful dress, the perfectly decorated cake and the personally designed rings. When choosing flowers for your wedding you should take into consideration what season you are in as well as remember to be consistent throughout the different elements of your wedding that require flowers - making sure that the flowers compliment each other as well as the bride and groom's outfits. Although some couples choose to go bold and loud when it comes to wedding flowers, most still opt for the elegant and traditional white.

Before you make the big decision it's always good to ask yourself what type of bride you are. Are you looking for vibrant colors for your wedding flowers, or do you want a more subtle, conventional look with white roses or lilies? Among the top five most popular wedding flowers worldwide you'll find roses, tulips, lilies, hydrangeas and peonies. What's great about roses and lilies in particular is that they are available all year, so you don't have to worry about in what season your wedding is taking place.

Herewith some tips when it comes to the five most important elements of your wedding where you'll want to make the use of flowers - namely the wedding bouquet, the wedding flowers in your hair, the wedding ceremony flowers, the wedding reception flowers and the wedding cake flowers.

Wedding bouquet

Before thinking about flowers it might be a good idea to choose which type of wedding bouquet you want. The three most popular and well-known shapes are the traditionally shaped posy bouquet, the teardrop-shaped shower/cascade bouquet and the long, slender arm bouquet - which rests on your arm.

If your dress is white or cream you won't have a problem as any color flowers will match. But if you are going the different route and wearing a colored wedding dress, go for the same color flowers or go for a complimentary color - such as red with green, blue with orange and purple with yellow - or simply stick with white. Bridesmaids' flowers should also follow the same theme and compliment the bridesmaids' dresses. And the flower girl will be carrying a basket or bucket of petals, so remember to take into consideration which color petals you want as well. For the male members of the wedding party, use a single buttonhole flower that matches the main type of flower in your wedding bouquet.

Wedding flowers in your hair Most brides-to-be battle to choose a hairstyle for their big day. It's a huge decision which is often very tough to make, because let's face it: you want to look your very, very best! Some brides eventually decide to just keep it natural and leave their hair down - perhaps with a few loose, romantic curls. Others want to make it more formal and have a pretty updo. You could get artificial flowers to make things a whole lot easier, but at the end of the day there's nothing like the real thing. Depending on the style you go for, you can have lost of small flowers scattered throughout a formal updo, or you could opt for one large flower. Chat to your hair stylist about what will suit you and compliment your dress, and make a decision based on that. You can always try different styles before you settle on the one you like the most.

Wedding ceremony flowers If the church where you are having your wedding ceremony is quite big it's always nice to make a bold statement and use large pedestal arrangements placed where they will be noticed; at the entrance to the church and close to the altar. You can also place single flowers or small bouquets along the aisle on each row of seats. If you are having a small civil service, wedding ceremony flowers can brighten up an otherwise boring room to a great extent, so make use of your flower decorations to create a festive atmosphere. Stick with flowers you have chosen for your bouquet in order to keep it consistent and complimentary.

Wedding reception flowers A great tip for those trying to stick to a certain budget is to re-use the pedestal arrangements from the ceremony at the wedding reception. This means you will only have the wedding table flowers to take care of. You'll need an arrangement for the bridal table as well as centerpieces for all the other tables. The bridal table is traditionally decorated with a large 'long and low' arrangement in the center in front of the bride and groom. The other table centerpieces often set the mood for the wedding reception and should not prevent guests seeing each other and talking to each other, so go for something really short or really tall - where the flower action is high up.

http://jrangelella.blogspot.com/Wedding cake flowers When it comes to wedding cake flowers you will firstly have to decide whether you want real or artificial flowers on your cake. The edible ones are always popular, so most couples go with this. You can then decide on which style you want. And if you don't want flowers on the cake itself, you can have flower decorations on the cake table or simply a few petals strewn around on the table.

It's always tricky to decide what type of wedding cake you want as there are so many options available. But if you're going the traditional route, a white cake with dainty, delicate marzipan flowers is always a winner. If you have a color scheme for all your other wedding flowers, try to stick to it. But if you feel like being different, then go for it! Whatever your choice, make sure the cake is decadent and deliciously irresistible.

Gendang gendut tali kecapi, kau gendut homaigod cepat mati.

Hello freedom

No longer working with Golden Screen Cinema. My sincere apology to anyone who would not be able to meet me in person anymore. Ceh macamlah aku superstar. 

This is indeed the most brilliant decision I have ever made. For the past a couple of weeks I think I have had a very fast and effective crash course on human behaviour.  Sumpah taubat nak layan customer service crew macam hamba. Kesian kau penat-penat layan orang lepas tu customer layan kau macam kucing kurap.

Pleaselah anyone who have this "customer is always right" attitude plastered into their skull to have it removed at once. I have had moments where I wish I could replace their freshly boxed luscious and golden sizzling popcorn with series of smacking on their butt and faces. Kau ingat sebab kau ada duit lima puluh ringgit lapan juta keping dalam wallet Louis Vuitton fake kau, kau bolehlah cakap kasar-kasar dan campak duit dekat muka aku, macam aku ni budak tak sekolah?  

Kalau aku ni tak habis sekolah pun, apa aku tak ada hak dilayan macam manusia?  OK bila ingat marah, ingat  air mirinda Strawberry. Homaigod pleaselah kalau ada kawan-kawan yang tengok wayang janganlah pilih Strawberry. Jenuh nak isi, gas dia setinggi gunung. Kalau combo 3, satu set maybe OKlah, dua regular air.

Tapi kalau 8 set. Memang tersedak aku isi air lepas tu datang pula customer yang sedang menunggu air mereka di isi melemparkan kata-kata seperti "Lembaplah awak ni? buat kerja boleh cepat sikit tak?"  atau "Aiyoo you ha put in water into legular cup also soooo slow" memang nak je aku suruh isi sendiri sambil jeling sampai juling.

You nak strawberry cepat, lu terbang!
Nota kaki : Esok nak mula tulis dengan berkobar-kobar. So silalah doakan saya tak berubah hati.


[australian native wedding][recentbylabel2]


Wondering what style of flower bouquets you'll choose for your big day?