Gendang gendut tali kecapi, kau gendut homaigod cepat mati. - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Gendang gendut tali kecapi, kau gendut homaigod cepat mati.

Hello freedom

No longer working with Golden Screen Cinema. My sincere apology to anyone who would not be able to meet me in person anymore. Ceh macamlah aku superstar. 

This is indeed the most brilliant decision I have ever made. For the past a couple of weeks I think I have had a very fast and effective crash course on human behaviour.  Sumpah taubat nak layan customer service crew macam hamba. Kesian kau penat-penat layan orang lepas tu customer layan kau macam kucing kurap.

Pleaselah anyone who have this "customer is always right" attitude plastered into their skull to have it removed at once. I have had moments where I wish I could replace their freshly boxed luscious and golden sizzling popcorn with series of smacking on their butt and faces. Kau ingat sebab kau ada duit lima puluh ringgit lapan juta keping dalam wallet Louis Vuitton fake kau, kau bolehlah cakap kasar-kasar dan campak duit dekat muka aku, macam aku ni budak tak sekolah?  
Kalau aku ni tak habis sekolah pun, apa aku tak ada hak dilayan macam manusia?  OK bila ingat marah, ingat  air mirinda Strawberry. Homaigod pleaselah kalau ada kawan-kawan yang tengok wayang janganlah pilih Strawberry. Jenuh nak isi, gas dia setinggi gunung. Kalau combo 3, satu set maybe OKlah, dua regular air.

Tapi kalau 8 set. Memang tersedak aku isi air lepas tu datang pula customer yang sedang menunggu air mereka di isi melemparkan kata-kata seperti "Lembaplah awak ni? buat kerja boleh cepat sikit tak?"  atau "Aiyoo you ha put in water into legular cup also soooo slow" memang nak je aku suruh isi sendiri sambil jeling sampai juling.

You nak strawberry cepat, lu terbang!
Nota kaki : Esok nak mula tulis dengan berkobar-kobar. So silalah doakan saya tak berubah hati.

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