By now if you actually read what I have written, you would probably know that I love fashion. Selalu bila jumpa rakan-rakan baru or a total stranger, lepas tu diorang tanya,
"Anyhow, what is your interest?"
Tanpa perlu menyeru semangat Lady Gaga terus jawab "I read law but I just heart fashion so bloody much"
Lantas dijawab "You should try fashion designing"
Terus rasa nak jawab "Kalau mak aku enjoy buat sambal belacan, mama kena jadi tauke kilang belacan ke?"
Dah telanjur cerita fasal karut-karut I just want to say that I am absolutely disappointed with Glam. I think is it just a waste for any magazine with that tremendous sources to be publishing such dismal content. Bagi sesiapa yang beli, tengoklah sendiri barang-barang yang di review.
For goodness sake, what is the possibility of us, readers between the age of 19 to 30 years old to be able to purchase a Vertu phone that cost RM 97, 000. Bak kata mama saya,
"Apa kau ingat aku cop duit? duit tumbuh dari pokok bunga kertas?"
I think the main problem with the editorial team is that, diorang syok sendiri, if you can see from all the columns diorang ada gaya penulisan begini, aku as a contributor journalist, interview kau, kau interview aku, senang cerita. Please please and please do something, your magazine is dying.
For editorial, please stop using the same model for every issue, naik muak tengok, based from all your issues, bila baca rasa macam dekat Malaysia ni ada satu je model. That malay dude, and if your justification of using him is because he possesses that special Je na sais quoi every D&G models like Vladimir Ivanov, or David Gandy have.
"Anyhow, what is your interest?"
Tanpa perlu menyeru semangat Lady Gaga terus jawab "I read law but I just heart fashion so bloody much"
Lantas dijawab "You should try fashion designing"
Terus rasa nak jawab "Kalau mak aku enjoy buat sambal belacan, mama kena jadi tauke kilang belacan ke?"
Dah telanjur cerita fasal karut-karut I just want to say that I am absolutely disappointed with Glam. I think is it just a waste for any magazine with that tremendous sources to be publishing such dismal content. Bagi sesiapa yang beli, tengoklah sendiri barang-barang yang di review.
For goodness sake, what is the possibility of us, readers between the age of 19 to 30 years old to be able to purchase a Vertu phone that cost RM 97, 000. Bak kata mama saya,
"Apa kau ingat aku cop duit? duit tumbuh dari pokok bunga kertas?"
I think the main problem with the editorial team is that, diorang syok sendiri, if you can see from all the columns diorang ada gaya penulisan begini, aku as a contributor journalist, interview kau, kau interview aku, senang cerita. Please please and please do something, your magazine is dying.
For editorial, please stop using the same model for every issue, naik muak tengok, based from all your issues, bila baca rasa macam dekat Malaysia ni ada satu je model. That malay dude, and if your justification of using him is because he possesses that special Je na sais quoi every D&G models like Vladimir Ivanov, or David Gandy have.
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In addition to this, Glam macam tiada glam dengan cerita-cerita mengarut, especially on sex, make up sex? Homaigod, itu semua boleh dapat di internet. OK kalau terus kutuk-kutuk tahun depan baru habis.
Sementara korang buat revolution, rasanya Majalah August sahajalah dapat memuaskan nafsu serakahku.
Nota kaki : Bila tengok semua editorial Glam tunjuk baju-baju international designers rasa geli pula, macam Malaysia tiada designer je. Apa kata gabungkan perfectly cut suit from D&G dengan tshirt from Padani and Skarf from Tom Abang Saufi. Cintailah produk Malaysia.