News Update
Monday, 17 March


It is upsetting after putting so much effort making plans for a short vacation, within few hours everything changes. Let me first congratulate Airasia, MAS and Firefly for the entire drama over cancelation of certain route just because of your internal problems. I was told that, the flight we’ll be taking to Bandung is confirmed, HOWEVER, there is a slight possibilities, that the return flight home will be cancelled. Oh gosh, I swear I could have easily wallop someone’s bottom and bit off someone’s head and called it unpremeditated murder.

Soalan utama, macamana nak mengubati kesengsaraan percutian dibatalkan? Senang, I turn to fashion for comfort. So yesterday, after the entire day of classes, I sat before my laptop and had my fashion orgasm twice, maybe thrice. Jika diberi pilihan untuk menonton apa apa show masa Milan Fashion Week, I would definitely pick Missoni. Bagi saya Missoni merupakan satu jenama yang gah dengan rekaan patternnya yang nampak sophisticated, dan raw.

Suka tengok bagaimana, Missoni menggabungkan gaya casual dan sporty dengan gaya sartorialist, terutamanya dengan blazer dua butang dengan lapel yang nipis yang disuai padan dengan seluar slimcut. Kalau siapa yang kenal rapat dengan saya mesti tahu yang I am currently obssesed dengan earthy & nude tones, Missoni memang pakar dengan rona rona begini.

Lepas dah juling tengok baju dia, sila fokus kepada sandal dan kasut, Missoni dengan Converse berkolaborasi untuk koleksi kali ni. For me a sexy man is a person who can wear a sporty looking sandal and still look stylish. Tak perlulah dikaitkan sandals dengan pelancong asing.

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