Hidup rungsing dek masa depan yang cerah malap tak tahu lagi - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Hidup rungsing dek masa depan yang cerah malap tak tahu lagi

Hidup agak tunggang langgang akhir-akhir ini. Noktah. I think its funny when people tell me that the final semester would be alot less stressful when the stake is absolutely huge. Bila cakap besar, sangat-sangat besar.

To tell you the truth, up until this moment I certainly have no clear clue as to what exactly I want to do when I graduate. Tak tahulah kalau saya kongsi perasaan yang sama, tapi selalu tanya dekat diri sendiri "Betul ke apa yang saya buat sekarang? I am taking the right steps?" Ramai yang cakap do not complicate simple things, Memutuskan apa yang hendak dibuat dimasa depan? adakah ia seringkas yang dikata? Macamana kalau saya tersalah buat keputusan? Macamana kalau saya ditakdirkan untuk menjadi seorang individu yang berkareer lain?

I just wish for now there is a Dummy for lost human being on the rack of MPH, would be a little more easier, at least I have something to put the blame on if else fails. This is not another emo post by yours truly, just something to share. Is there anyone out there who could help me? talk to me. *sigh*

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