untuk seseorang, I am sorry. - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Thursday, 20 March

untuk seseorang, I am sorry.

I sometime wonder if people even read nowadays, it seems like long, lengthy writing is no longer in vogue. I miss reading high quality writings in blogs, not those factual blabbers, just those entertaining writings. (Sigh) I miss writing sometimes just that I have no time to do that, not even for this silly blog.

I however, in order to redeem myself would like to challenge myself to write proper sentences in this blog, on daily basis if that is even possible.

For a starter, as writing this, I am celebrating the final hours of my semester break. I have got to confess that this is the laziest semester break for me. Too many things happened this week, and I honestly have nothing to say but to be grateful to wake up a better man every day.
To someone, I am sorry if what I have done hurt you. All I have done for you was truly from the bottom of my heart. I am just another guy with a small number of friends. To me friends are people that I am truly comfortable with, people that I do not have to pretend to, people that I can bare my soul to.

I hope you know that all I have done for you was me appreciating, celebrating our friendship. I do have any regret for any words I have said to you; I love you as my friend. Please remember that whatever happened, I will always be here for you and with you.

I just want you to know that you are special to me.

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