Eat, Pray, F*ck and Love. - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Monday, 17 March

Eat, Pray, F*ck and Love.

Today is the last day of 2013.

2013, is dramatic, dark and haunting with amazing ending for me.  I started the year with darkness, not knowing who I am, with a huge pack of doubts and insecurities, slowly as the year gone by, I became a better person slowly building myself as a human, and a careered man .

2013, in short for me,
  1. I met someone, who truly shaken my world, and that short period with that person has been one of the most awaking moment for me. I became a human, I stuttered, I smiled, I feel loved, I cried, I feel disappointed, I moved on. X will always be one of the story of my life;
  2. Graduated LLb with joy, two degrees, one long journey;
  3. Embark into another amazing journey, Alvin John & Partners accepted me as who I am. I met a group of amazing and inspiring people, who constantly inspires me to be a better person. Insyallah, another amazing journey with them as an official lawyer after my long call.
  4. I met a total stranger who told me, "You will be somebody oneday, because you know what you want and you are walking towards it." and as per him, "When you are stepping on good ground, just don't betray yourself" .
  5. I have my super family, and super extended family (friends), who I will die for. I know it sounded corny, but I seriously will do anything for them. You know who you are, because by know, you should be receiving my messages.
  6. Sometimes, I panic, forget to breathe, life is good. To tell the truth, I miss ... x. 

Julia Roberts has Eat, Pray, Love, this is my short film.

Happy New Year Everyone.

I love you. I seriously do.

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