Royal Outfits of the Day: June 23 - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Saturday, 15 March

Royal Outfits of the Day: June 23

Crown Princess Victoria was up to some stuff last week. Some good-looking sartorial stuff, that is. A double shot to start off our week...
Crown Princess Victoria attended the installation of a new archbishop, wearing a white L.K. Bennett dress.
I loved this dress back when the Duchess of Cambridge wore it (in blue) and I love it in white too. I also love a big hat and a black and white combo, even though I'm not entirely sold on this hat with this dress. But I give it a thumbs up anyway.

Then, she and Daniel headed off for a trip to gorgeous Iceland, and we saw...wait for it...that H&M Conscious Collection dress! Yes, the one that both she and Mette-Marit own. Again. Different color this time, but I think I'm partial to the darker version. Still, I can't fault her for spotting a princess-worthy dress and scooping it up in as many versions as she can get. Once again, I come down on the thumbs up side of things.

Photos: LK Bennett/Aftonbladet TV/SVT video/@crownprincely

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