Earlier this week, we discussed something Crown Princess Mette-Marit might steal for her own closet, and now it's time to turn the tables.
I thought I might struggle to find something I'dsteal respectfully borrow for myself from M-M's wardrobe, since a lot of her day-to-day stuff is, shall we say, less than distinctive. But in the end the choices were a little too plentiful for my wee brain to handle. Something froofy? (I'm not averse to a good ruffle every now and then.) Something from the shoe department? (She does have some fierce kicks.) Something from the national dress portion? (The artistry involved in a bunad, come on. That's amazing.) But no, I've settled on this one...for now:
I thought I might struggle to find something I'd
A Valentino coat, all the better to mask the pile of shoes I just wouldn't be able to resist nabbing while I'm at it. Sure, why not.
Photos: NRK.no/Style.com/Stortinget
If you could have one thing from Mette-Marit's wardrobe, what would it be?
Photos: NRK.no/Style.com/Stortinget