Royal Outfits of the Day: September 23 - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Sunday, 16 March

Royal Outfits of the Day: September 23

So, what's Crown Princess Victoria been up to lately? Quite a bit, as a matter of fact. Just a few selections:

In addition to giving her favorite dress a little more showtime, she had a new portrait released for the Pink Ribbon Campaign, of which she is patron.
Lovely. The blue is divine on her (just as it is on the Duchess of Cambridge when she wears her Stella McCartney shift dress which is the same or devilishly like this one).

And she paid a quick visit to Latvia, where she opted for a dress from one of Kate's favorite retailers, L.K. Bennett.
Lovely again, loveliness all around.
The dress from L.K. Bennett

I offer you these selected bits of loveliness as a sort of an advance palette cleanser for what shall henceforth be known as the Duct Tape Disco Incident.
I have nothing more to say on the matter. SIGH.

Photos: Andrea Björsell/Cancerfonden, Ilmars Znotins/AFP via Getty Images, L.K. Bennett

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