Sunday Tidbits for November 30: Double Astrid Alerts and More - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Saturday, 15 March

Sunday Tidbits for November 30: Double Astrid Alerts and More

I'm not ready for Monday. Procrastinate with me, friends.

--The Dutch will pay a state visit to Denmark from March 17-19. I do love a state visit with tiaras on both sides. Polish up those big guns, ladies, polish 'em up. [Kongehuset]

--Astrid Alert #1: Princess Astrid of Belgium has been picking up the slack on the Belgian economic missions now that her brother Philippe is king, and I did love her splash of purple in Singapore this week. [Channel News Asia]

--Astrid Alert #2: I thought Princess Astrid of Norway looked cute this week, out and about to award the Princess Astrid Music Prize. [Adressa; Kongehuset video]

--Here's another dose of cute for you: Princess Madeleine wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving with a new official picture of herself and wee Leonore. [Kungahuset]

--And here's a dose of whaaaa? for you: Prince Henrik at the royal hunt, displaying the sort of sartorial splendor to which only he can aspire. [Berlingske]

--You know, I don't think Queen Mathilde is sorry at all that her shirt is hypnotizing everyone around her. Clearly some sort of diabolical plan at work. [Zimbio]

--Yesterday would have been the 80th wedding anniversary of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Prince George and Princess Marina. Here's my original post on Marina's gown; below, a newsreel from the day. [British Pathé]

--And finally, Queen Elizabeth II got a new brooch this week. [Jewel Vault]

Stay tuned on Monday for a return to Sweden.

Photos:  Suhalmi Abdullah via Getty Images, Kongehuset video, Ewa-Marie Rundquist /, Twitter, Mark Renders via Getty Images

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