Royal Coats of the Week: January 29 - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Thursday, 20 March

Royal Coats of the Week: January 29

First, we had Crown Princess Mary's lovely gray coat, mentioned in Sunday Tidbits.

And now we have Princess Charlene's lovely gray coat, spotted out this week for the Sainte-Devote procession in Monaco.
I think it's Gray Coat Week. Then again, it might just be January. (Mathilde's wrap thing showcased earlier this week was also kind of gray, though we've certainly said enough about that outfit for a week.)

Crown Princess Victoria has a submission too. It's technically light blue I suppose but I have a theme going here so just go with it already okay.
Click here for video.
She opened the European Figure Skating Championships in Stockholm, and I was glad to see she had a little sparkle going on with her earrings. I mean, if you're not going to wear some sparkle to open a figure skating competition of all things, when can you?

Anyway, back to da coats: I'll take Mary's version for myself, please and thank you, though I can't deny that Happy Char is doing a pretty good job of selling her whole look here. Simple, but effective.

Photos: @Royal_talk, Didier Baverel/WireImage and Valery Hache/AFP via Getty Images, TV4 video

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