News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Old people.

I just finish this book, 30 advice from american experts, well if  the title to be modified I'm pretty sure it probably be "30 advices by old senile people".  Anyway, this shit is good. It is as good as my double shot latte or daily kopi pekat without gula.  It took a while for me to finish reading it considering my snail pace in reading any material more than 50 pages.  Now, the old people told me this:
  • If you are to find a partner, girlfriend or boyfriend, one must not follow the normal principle, i.e explore all options. One must find from his/her own kind, so fatty with fatty, skinny who likes banana with skinny banana. Which I find it repulsive at first, who on earth would want a generic life? we want crazy things, paragliding on monday, bull ridding on wednesday. The old people put it this way, marrige/cohabitant is not a temporary things, impromptu & adventurous life would be nice for first few years, it will eventually will become less interesting and sooner or later you will get tired of it, Correct what?
  • YOLO. and you thought this concept was invented last year by some random rapper? hell no. Old people have it renamed, live in the moment. Begitu... I like this concept, people are so caught up with perfection, try to prepare for the future, most of the time, and eventually when you have everything you ever wanted, you have no strength to enjoy it. 
  • Cant remember others advices, should be goodlah since I managed to read it cover to cover.
On lighter notes, I overhauled my room, now looking awesome, image man crib, with wall shelving and comfy bed, and metal locker.  

F love it. 


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