Royal Necklaces of the Day: February 5 - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Sunday, 16 March

Royal Necklaces of the Day: February 5

Queen Máxima loves her jewelry, this we know, and she's not picky about the difference between heirloom pieces worn to impress and modern pieces worn for a fashion statement. I like big stones (and I cannot lie), but Máxima tests my love with some of the hardware she hangs around her neck, and some of her recent selections deserve a closer look.

Attending a symposium yesterday
Take yesterday's outfit, for example. Love the idea of a patterned jacket with a statement necklace; do not love the use of leftover Christmas tree decorations as said necklace.

At an event in Utrecht, January 15
This one looks like something made of rocks found by the kids down by the river. But in a world where the rivers are lined with gold, like Willy Wonka's factory for magpies.

At a financial inclusion conference in London, January 19
This one is also a riverbank finder's paradise. This is the same outfit worn when Felipe and Letizia visited the Netherlands, and at that time, Máx paired it with another mega necklace/possible display of medieval weaponry. So either the plain neckline is proving irresistible to the larger side of Máx's jewelry box, or maybe she got a makeup stain on the neck and ugh those things are hard to get out. (Maybe that's always the case. If so, Máx, I retract my entry and I'm with you 100%.)

Photos: via Getty Images as indicated

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