Royal Suits of the Day: February 2 - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Saturday, 15 March

Royal Suits of the Day: February 2

I see the love affair between Letizia and her trouser suits is going strong, for better or for worse.

For better:
The King and Queen of Spain attended an audience followed by an evening event, 
hence the fanciness.Saucy lady tux, bit of color on the shoes, fancy hair, killer earrings, sign me up. This is hot.
Separates from Hugo Boss

And for worse:
The day before, they attended a tourism fair.
No. She's worn this before, but back to back with the look above, it's hard to believe this is the same lady in a suit from the same label. Serious case of hotness whiplash right here.

Photos: Juan Naharro Giminez, Carlos Alvarez and Europa Press via Getty Images / Hugo Boss

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