Royal Fashion Awards: Easter 2015 - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Friday, 14 March

Royal Fashion Awards: Easter 2015

Easter has delivered many goodies for us: 1) chocolate, if you're doing it right, and 2) some fashion awards fun for our Monday. The royal families of Britain and Spain were out and about for Easter services, and we have sartorial matters to discuss...

Best in Queens, Part 1
Queen Sofia
Here are the Spains, doing their thing, business as usual. So I always end up giving the recognition to Queen Sofia, who reliably wears her Easter egg necklace for the occasion. And so it shall be yet again!
It's kitschy and also possibly something of great value (Fabergé does make pendants like these, I don't know if that's the precise make of her pendants - and good grief, she has an awful lot of them), which is sort of the best possible combination.
Best in Queens, Part 2
Queen Elizabeth II
And here's QEII, also doing her thing, also business as usual. She departed from her usual favorite brooches, though, so she gets her own best category for that. (It's the Sapphire Chrysanthemum Brooch, one of the early members of her collection, and you can read about that the Jewel Vault.)

Best of the Best
The Princess Royal
Is Anne truly the best dressed of the day, or is this just a knee jerk reaction caused by seeing her in something that appears to have been made in the current century? Discuss.

Best of the Rest
The Countess of Wessex, Autumn Phillips, Princess Beatrice
I'm also loving: Autumn's cape thing and floral skirt, Beatrice's whole silhouette, and Sophie's swing coat. All the things minus the dead animal on Sophie's head.

Best in Suits
The Gentlemen
The men were there. They wore suits. (Also: Heeeyyy Lady Sarah Chatto, lurking back there in gray and black.)

Who made your Easter best dressed list?

Photos: via Getty Images as indicated

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