Royal Trip of the Week: May 27 - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Saturday, 15 March

Royal Trip of the Week: May 27

Queen Letizia is currently on a visit to Honduras and El Salvador, focusing on projects with Spanish cooperation. This is her first such trip (she really only started solo international trips after Felipe became king), but she's taking over from Queen Sofia, who did many of these solo trips during the last reign.
Her arrival in Honduras was classic Letizia in her lowest key business attire, so I was curious what we'd get for the rest of the trip.
And subsequently was delighted to see that she did intend to honor her hosts by turning the volume up a notch at dinner that evening with the President and First Lady of Honduras, wearing a sparkly repeated Felipe Varela black cocktail dress. She even brought some diamonds along for the ride, in the form of her Cartier bracelet and a new pair of pendant earrings. Gorgeous.
Day two meant a return to her usual business casual, which was appropriate for an official visit and a day visiting working projects. But I did love the last outfit she threw together before leaving the country:
Very much Letizia's usual style, but there's something a little extra delicious about this one. I do love a cropped pant, maybe that's it. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for a royal in sunglasses.
Shades make everything sassier, this is a fact and it is irrefutable.

Letizia is now in El Salvador, where her trip continues until Thursday.

Photos: via Getty Images as indicated

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