Sunday Adventures in the Sun (featuring Firmoo) - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Sunday Adventures in the Sun (featuring Firmoo)

Now that exams are looming, for those who are students, like myself, the sun has spitefully come out in England whilst we are all crammed inside studying out butts off! Sunny days are one of nature's finest - something that can simply make my mood for the rest of the day. Therefore, my revision was taken to a much prettier landscape, in hope to motivate my procrastinating tendencies at this time of year. 

My boyfriend and I absolutely love to go for walks and discover new places. Today we decided to keep this Sunday adventure to a minimum and keep it within easy walking distance from my home, as we didn't manage to leave the house until four this afternoon. We equipped ourselves with a picnic blanket, revision material, sweets and plenty of cold water. Hydration is one of worst possible things, for physical and psychological process in the body, so make sure if you do revise in the sun, you are regularly consuming water. On sunny days like this (27 degrees celcius! FINALLY!!) I cannot resist the temptation of wearing a nice outfit and photographing it; the sun makes everything seem much more picturesque.

The weather was extremely humid, signalling loose clothing and strappy sleeves. Accompanying my outfit, I wore a plain brown rucksack to help carry all the necessities to our revision site. I tied my lightly-curled hair into a high pony - wearing my hair down is a huge no-go when the weather is hot, I cannot stand the my hair clinging to my skin.

My Outfit: 

Playsuit - Primark
Shoes - New look
Rucksack - Forever 21
Sunglasses - Firmoo

Fortunately, we found a quiet spot on a large field surrounded by trees and other greenery - only a couple of dog walkers passed by in the 3 hours we spent there! I love when the sun is hidden behind the trees; when the rays reflect through the branches I find it impossible to not take a photo. We chilled, revised and admired the nature surrounding us - the heat and atmosphere got us so excited for our two week holiday next year. If you guys have any recommendations of hot countries then let me know in the comments below.

My top essential for a sunny day would honestly be sunglasses - sun damage to the eyes is one of the most dangerous things you can expose your body to. My eyes also seem very sensitive to brightness so tinted sunglasses are a life-saver in the sun to prevent my eyes from watering like crazy! These beautifully crafted sunglasses were gifted to me by a brand called Firmoo; they offer an incredible range of prescription, and non prescription, glasses to their buyers. I was very impressed with the swift delivery and to see my shades encased in a stunning, rustic map glasses case. The pink frame and gold detailing is very flattering alongside the insane defined reflective feature. Reflective glasses are THE one, as you will all know if you've stuck by my little blog for some time.

After packing all of our bits and bobs, we left off for home. However, we got distracted by the pretty fields that were on the opposite side of the road to our revision zone. Being both very excited as the sun was starting to beautifully set on the landscape, we decided to take some final images of our little day journey.

Don't forget to check out Firmoo to see their stunning range of (sun)glasses! Let me know which ones are you favourites from their website down below!?

Lots of love


This post was in collaboration with Firmoo; however all opinions are honest and my own.

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