Kirsty & Joe's Beautiful Pink Wedding at Bartle Hall - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Sunday, 16 March

Kirsty & Joe's Beautiful Pink Wedding at Bartle Hall

Jason was the lucky ' Flower Designer' at Bartle Hall bright and early to be presenting the lovely Kirsty and her Bridesmaid with their Bouquets of glorious English Garden Roses in a myriad of pink and ivory shades with Ranunculus and Hydrangeas
Jason showed them how to carry their wedding bouquets perfectly
Downstairs in the beautiful garden's at Bartle Hall Jason was busy pinning on the Groom's Boutonniere which had been created to match his Bride's bouquet

In the Windsor Suite the scene was set of the Ceremony with two of our Baroque Candelabras set on pedestals framing the Registrars table beautifully
The Registrars table was dressed with a collection of Crystal and chinaware filled with fresh flowers on one side
On the other side a collection of posies with some under glass bells

Liz Hendry was playing the piano exqusitely
Our stunning Bride the lovely Kirsty was wearing a heavenly gown by Ronald Joyce from Corniche Bridal in Litherland

The beautiful wedding bouquet in pink and ivory of Roses and Ranunculus with fresh Hydrangeas looked perfect with the Bride's lace gown

Huge & Ginormous Congratulations to Kirsty & Joe from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

The Windsor Suite was transformed into the most magnificent banqueting suite with the tables dressed with glorious fresh flowers in shades of pinks and ivories
Our magnificent Baroque Candelabras looked perfect on some of the tables, they are tall enough for the guests to see one another across the table
The Top Table was dressed with our 'Beauty & the Beast' Design which features 'Lumiere' Candelabras, 'Mrs Potts' Tea Pot, 'Chip' Tea Cup, 'Cogsworth' the Clock and 'Belle' Roses under bell jars
The team at Bartle Hall are quite simply brilliant and we love working their, they do a great job and the tables are always immaculately dressed, perfect for us to put our flowers in place

Huge thanks to Kirsty & Joe for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers for them

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