Such a Glorious Palette of Pastel Flowers for Alison & Ashley's Lytham Wedding Day all Images by Kerry Woods - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Sunday, 16 March

Such a Glorious Palette of Pastel Flowers for Alison & Ashley's Lytham Wedding Day all Images by Kerry Woods

This was such a glorious Lytham wedding day, what a joy it is to be able to share these stunning images by the very lovely Kerry Woods we had such a wonderful day working alongside her (we are so looking forward to working with her again this year)  and it's truly wonderful to be able to share her fabulous images with you...
Alison's gorgeous wedding bouquet included a plethora of exquisite summer flowers we'd included a collection of heavenly Roses; Juliet, Miranda, Paience 'Miss Piggy', Mentha, Bombastic, Mentha, Silver Lace and Vuvuezela, fresh Peonies, Sweet Peas, Freesia, Lily of the Valley, Daisies in a soft palette of Pinks, Lilacs, Peaches and Corals all set off by the lime green of the fresh Alchemilla Mollis and so, so fragrant too

 Each of the Boutonnieres were quite unique designed to compliment the floral ties and blue suits
 The Bridesmaid's Bouquets were all unique too but created to compliment their pale apricot gowns
 Did I mention how breathtakingly beautiful the fragrance was?? xx
 Our beautiful Bride the very lovely Alison heading off to get married...
 The Bridal party were led from the family home around to The Clifton Arms by the Town Crier...
 What a beautiful family...
 The Registrars table was dressed with posies of fresh flowers in glass column vases
 Beautiful Coral Peonies
 What better way to celebrate than with a shower of fresh fragrant Rose Petal Confetti, huge Congratulations to Alison & Ashley from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
 The Seating Plan crate filled with fresh flowers
Inside the ball room the scene was set with some of our tall elegant vases topped with fresh, fragrant FD Flower Bombs, dressing the dining tables
 Some of the tables were decorated with posies of fresh flowers set on mirrors

 The Top Table featured a series of glass column vases willed with fresh flowers set on mirror tiles, the Bride's Bouquet took centre stage

 So gorgeous the lovely Bridesmaids

Huge thanks to Kerry Woods for providing us with such a beautiful collection of images

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