Pink Peonies for Charlotte & Dennis's Wedding Day at The Preston Marriott - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Monday, 17 March

Pink Peonies for Charlotte & Dennis's Wedding Day at The Preston Marriott

These two are just the most gorgeous pair, Jason & I are really going to miss our evening appointments with them, we've had a lovely time getting to know them and learning all about their plans for the perfect wedding day.
Charlotte and Dennis put together this spectacular mood board to help inspire us, which it most certainly did, we discovered their floral taste, their colour scheme and the other fabulous wedding suppliers they'd hired, not least our favourite wedding singer Paul Guard, the fabulous Make up artist Sonara Parker, Kerry Wood's Photography, Pink Frosting Cake Company, Halo & Ellis , Keli Thompson Bridal Wear and Charlotte Design Stationery
We invited them back to our FD studio to see some fabulous Peony Sample designs, Charlotte's gorgeous wedding bouquet
A Patience Rose Boutonniere for Dennis
Some suggestions for table design

At last the big day arrived and our Chloe & Lily presented the lovely Charlotte with her wedding bouquets
A box filled with fragrant gloriousness, Peonies, Sweet Peas, English Garden Roses, Hydrangeas and Rannculus in shades of pinks and ivory
We had a few tears (Of joy of course!!)

A truly was a heavenly wedding bouquet perfect for a gorgeous Bride
The fragrance was breathtaking

The fabulous Bridesmaids loved all of the flowers too
Chloe showed everyone how to carry their bouquets whilst Lily snapped a few pics for us

The exquisite wedding bouquet of Peonies, Roses, Sweet Peas, Hydrangeas in shades of soft blush pinks and ivory

The lovely Sonara Parker was doing a beautiful job of the make up
Stacey Loram was doing a great job of the hair
Downstairs our girls lined up the boutonnieres ready to pin them on to the Groom's Men
A floral dog collar created for our Bride & Groom's beautiful dog
The Bride Groom's Patience Rose Boutonniere

Charlotte's super handsome Bride Groom Dennis was first to have his boutonniere pinned to his lapel

Chloe & Lily pinned on all of the boutonnieres ensuring each one was in the perfect position

The scene was set in the ceremony room with candlelit lanterns and beautiful pedestals, 'Instyle Venues' had dressed the chairs

Spectacular pedestals were topped with glorious Flower Bombs of Roses, Peonies and Hydrangeas

The small heart shaped posy of remembrance with four candles that the Bride & Groom would be lighting later on.
The Registrars table was dressed with posies of fresh Peonies, Roses, Hydrangeas and Gypsophilia

Charlotte & Dennis's gorgeous dog was an honorary Bridesmaid

It's always lovely to bump into our FD Bride's & Groom's here's a link to Jenna & Daniel's wedding back in 2014

Our beautiful Bride and her Bridesmaids ready to walk through to the ceremony

Huge Congratulations to Charlotte & Dennis from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

Charlotte's wedding bouquet looked so beautiful the Peonies were beginning to open and the roses just exquisite

The wedding reception was held in the big ball room and the tables were dressed with a combination of table designs

The beautiful stationery was designed and created by Charlotte Designs

Small posies of fresh flowers dressed some of the tables

A series of mirror tiles were lined up on the top table with posies of fresh flowers, tea light votives and floating candles

Beautiful cake by Pink Frosting Cake Company
Our stunning Bride looked so beautiful

Kerry Woods was capturing all of the magic

Our work here was done it was time to leave the party in full swing, huge thanks to Charlotte and Dennis for choosing FD Events to create their wedding flowers for them

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Wondering what style of flower bouquets you'll choose for your big day?