Invictus 2017, day two: the photo album - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Monday, 17 March

Invictus 2017, day two: the photo album

The Invictus Games are well and truly under way and some pretty special moments have been happening on and off the track. Prince Harry has been leading the cheering as the competitors at the third staging of the event he created and has made his own took to the field to claim more medals. Harry has been supporting sporting stars everywhere as teams from 17 nations compete for glory at the games, set up for injured service personnel. Oh, and the fifth in line to the throne walked in hand in hand with his girlfriend. It's been a busy day. Here's Invictus on September 25th 2017, in photos.

Harry's first engagement of the day (that word gets everywhere right now) was at the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research where he took part in a forum. In a speech, he expressed again his passion for providing the best support for veterans who have encountered physical, mental and emotional health problems following their service and told his audience of his conviction about the positive role sport can play in ''the recovery of body and mind''.

That suit didn't last long (did someone say Suits?). Invictus means Harry in his branded polo shirt and jeans bobbing round the Games supporting competitors from every nation. And that's what Harry did next. Except this time he brought a friend. Called Meghan. And the royal world went nuts.

The future Duke and Duchess of...sorry, Harry and Meghan watched the wheelchair tennis and had a jolly good time doing it by the looks of things. And everyone else started working out likely dates for a wedding.
Then just when we thought Harry couldn't provide any more joy on a Monday at the end of September, he popped up on the BBC making us all remember, again, just how much commitment he has to Invictus and helping those who are working towards a normal life after injury during service. His words were inspiring, his passion was clear and we now know he has someone to share it all with. This is a special day for the prince of hearts and the photo album shows it.

Photo credit: Invictus Toronto Instagram

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