Kenzo says whore, I mean ho! - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Kenzo says whore, I mean ho!

The fat me in Kenzo. Mercibeaucoup. As I am writing this is I am ogling at Kenzo Spring Summer 2011's fashion show. OK, boring lebih lebih lagi bila tangan laju meraba raba setiap inci blazer Kenzo yang baru dibeli. Usah pedulikan hidup, gersangkan diri anda dengan Kenzo.

On a lighter note, I drove the family to Port Dickson today. Seriously driving with the entire simon cowell-ish family is gruesome, especially when you hear clearly at the back of your head things like
"Adik (nama gedik-gedik antara keluarga), drive carefully, don't kona (is it 'kona' or 'corner') baring. "
Soalan utamanya, boleh ke Viva sopak-sopak 'kona' baring? Kenapa sopak-sopak? I think it is more of lori sampah than kereta. Well the story goes like this, I am always lazy to send my car for a bubble bath, akhirnya jari jemarikulah yang akan meraba-raba halus buih-buih sambil dada, dan abdomen laju mengosok-gosok badan kereta. Tapi selalunya bila kering, bersopak-sopak, macam kereta berpanau. Menambahkan kegusaran apabila lokasi parkir kereta berhadapan dengan saudara mara atau segerombolan manusia, nasib baiklah baju pengantin hideous, so fokus  bukan pada lori sampah saya.

I don't understand in wedding, si suami dan si isteri, syok sendiri beli baju lawa-lawa warna mesti meriah ya amat, merah jambu platinum, hijau pucuk pisang on drug, ungu Barney & friends, merah mak nyah atau liplap ramlah ram (selalunya sewa, kain mesti macam kertas. Panas berapi) lepas tu berarak syok sendiri duduk atas pelamin. Lepas tu panggil diri sendiri raja sehari.

Apa tak puas kau berarak waktu Maulidurrasul?

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