Perketatkan Saggy tits anda. - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Perketatkan Saggy tits anda.

I am 22 years old, and there is so many things I have not done. For now, I am quite obsessed over one particular photograph from a fashion magazine (Sorry store I have to tear that page); basically a picture of a male model in blue sweat shirt with matching short pants, very short I tell you.  Kaki nak homaigod panjang lima kilometer saja. Lepak gemalai ZERO.

Hari ni, bila buka video Justin Wu, segerombolan model berjimba (bergembira) sambil menari, rasa sangat excited. Disebabkan oleh itu, iya saya, Rizal Yaakub is officially kicking off my BADAN-LEAN-SEKEPING-ALA-MODEL diet. Please someone remind me to get a decent dumbell, if not something enough to make my saggy tits tighter, YELAH. gen gabak dalam family, so strugglelah sikit.


Oh dan ya, hari ni hari pertama kelas, it is quite exciting, maybe because I have been on a damn long holiday thus looking at familiar faces is mercifully incredible. Waking up today I was prepared for some evil comments like,

"Rizal, tertelan soda bikarbonat ke? Apam kau gebu,"
"Lah Rizal rupanya, ingatkan mesin air gedegang kat tepi jamban tu,"
or worst,
 "Tak nak masuk biggest loser ke? Oh my god, kau naik kereta aku suspension mesti lari,"
Thank god, tiada insiden kapak kawan disebabkan mulut durjana berlaku. Awesome.

Kelas habis awal hari ni, so to kill time, decided to ransack the library to look for new inspiration. Those book, those ugly law books seemed less appealing today (well every time actually), very much like McDonald's stinky burgers, or maybe my goddamn SAGGY TITS.

I found this autobiography of Kurt Kobain on the music section, no hesitation MUST BORROW. Autobiograpy is sex, enough said. So much better than some fiction story of a gay headed wizard whom  blurts out "Hocus pocus mak ngah jalang, sengugut" upon bumping into his enemies, when the actual respond should have been,
"Dei mahu matikah? (all the bad words in Malay, Chinese, Tamil goes here"
 Konon-konon powerful. Boring. Anyhow, is it even possible for me to finish reading this Kurt Kobain autobiography in 14 days? if 30 pages is taking me at least 2 weeks to finish, 300 pages would take me eternity.


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