Hye Jibam.
Hari ni abang, I mean abang kandung, cepat je kau jump to conclusion aku anak ikankan? *cough* laku ke? Balik kepada topik, hari ni abang kandung masuk kerja pukul 12 malam, very the kilang shift gitu, dan sebab masuk lewat kami sempat ke Mid Valley Megamall. Automatiskan bila ada nama khas aku tulis huruf besar, tapi bila dalam exam, Donoghue v Stevenson jadi DoNogHue v StEvEnsEn. why? kepada aku tidak sepantas itu bila tulis tangan? dahlah tulisan macam font, hodoh kemain.
For me, Mid Valley is the best place in the world to watch people, well I like prying on people business, stare at people for not apparent reason and just try to suck all the awesomeness out of their little skinny body *sigh*. People really know how to dress huh? some might be a little pelik considering you are just doing your grocery shopping or even underwear hunting bersama opah and atuk still you are wearing 5 inches of awesome heels from Charles & Keith and that slutty leopard print mini dress very burlesque.
Whatever suit your crazy appetitelah kak jah hoi! I see many Malaysian girls who have that je ne suis quoi (go google here) to become an international model, very waif, tall and good facial structure, reminds me of Ling Tan for some reason. I like that, very feline-ish. Meow-meow purr!
Tapikan I hardly see Malaysian men, well make it boys with model look, at least high fashion traitslah, all very pecah rumah, not all but majority of them. Not even to be compared to Philip Huang (tutup mata sebelum click bagi yang menjaga aurat mata, gitu!), that Cina bukit look. Why?
I find it more soothing to start my entry with some weird nicknames for people who read my blog, perhaps in near future I'll start calling you guys, meja belajar or even almari dua pintu to commemorate yours truly, rizal yaakub. Sesedap oren je aku buang bin in my name, konon-konon nak nampak ekslusif, macam brand, Romain Kremer atau Kris Van Assche. Thank you you guys for spending your precious time menjenguk blog busuk aku ni.
Hari ni abang, I mean abang kandung, cepat je kau jump to conclusion aku anak ikankan? *cough* laku ke? Balik kepada topik, hari ni abang kandung masuk kerja pukul 12 malam, very the kilang shift gitu, dan sebab masuk lewat kami sempat ke Mid Valley Megamall. Automatiskan bila ada nama khas aku tulis huruf besar, tapi bila dalam exam, Donoghue v Stevenson jadi DoNogHue v StEvEnsEn. why? kepada aku tidak sepantas itu bila tulis tangan? dahlah tulisan macam font, hodoh kemain.
Looking a little bit like in New York don't you think? I just adore industrial details, metal, concrete, debu pasir and stinky sweaty human being. *grin*
For me, Mid Valley is the best place in the world to watch people, well I like prying on people business, stare at people for not apparent reason and just try to suck all the awesomeness out of their little skinny body *sigh*. People really know how to dress huh? some might be a little pelik considering you are just doing your grocery shopping or even underwear hunting bersama opah and atuk still you are wearing 5 inches of awesome heels from Charles & Keith and that slutty leopard print mini dress very burlesque.
Whatever suit your crazy appetitelah kak jah hoi! I see many Malaysian girls who have that je ne suis quoi (go google here) to become an international model, very waif, tall and good facial structure, reminds me of Ling Tan for some reason. I like that, very feline-ish. Meow-meow purr!
Tapikan I hardly see Malaysian men, well make it boys with model look, at least high fashion traitslah, all very pecah rumah, not all but majority of them. Not even to be compared to Philip Huang (tutup mata sebelum click bagi yang menjaga aurat mata, gitu!), that Cina bukit look. Why?
Where are you muka pelik people? freakishly tall and awkward? are you hiding at home?
I've seen awesome looking people though but at Extreme Park in Section 13, Shah Alam but they were all too busy shuffling away ke langit or trying to convince their pal that they are awesome. I didn't have the courage to walk to them photograph them for the purpose of reference in case I am to replace the editor of Glam or even Vogue *mimpi basahlah aku*
Tapi yang aku melalut sampai berparagraph ni kenapa? I saw few interesting stuff at few shops, but I was too scared to take pictures of them, the salesperson didn't look very friendly, so I don't want them to wallop me in the ass for stealing cam whoring at their stores.
Before I end my f long entry, I just want to share my new obsession, well this is actually a hand-me-down item, OK bukan, super steal from my dad, saw this is his wardrobe stashed with his tasbih (rosery beads for the matsalleh), and his newspaper cuttings of his younger days, during his heyday as a agogo dancer. Tipu again.
damn nice isn't it? I can wear this but it made me blind sometimes, the power of right lens is higher than mine, so probably prolong used of it will cost me my eyesight hence I'll be the modern Kasim Selamat or some pre-matured datuk or pak cik. I've always wanted to send it to an eyewear shop, whatever the actual name they are called and get the lens replaced HOWEVER since the lens are humongous, I probably become miskin at the end of it, OR maybe papa kedana for the rest of the month or years.
Hmm. now I'm contemplating, does an eyewear shop use the barter system? I'll just give away my kidney instead. Boleh ke?
Tapi yang aku melalut sampai berparagraph ni kenapa? I saw few interesting stuff at few shops, but I was too scared to take pictures of them, the salesperson didn't look very friendly, so I don't want them to wallop me in the ass for stealing cam whoring at their stores.
Cool awesome shorts from Topman, they are having this pre-renovation sale, so mostly the prices are reduced to gila babi price, you probably be in sawan state for couple of minutes upon seeing the pieces. I didn't though because I don't think I can fit into their sizes, I'm not fat just that I'm effing huge, this probably will become a spender ultraman if i were to try. However, if you can fit, definitely buy, well thats damn cute shorts to wear, people will stare at you and maybe say things like,
"Berapa dik? clean shave tak?"Good for investment during rainy days, how I wish I can fit, boleh jual badan for Sabah trip. *sigh*
Before I end my f long entry, I just want to share my new obsession, well this is actually a hand-me-down item, OK bukan, super steal from my dad, saw this is his wardrobe stashed with his tasbih (rosery beads for the matsalleh), and his newspaper cuttings of his younger days, during his heyday as a agogo dancer. Tipu again.
damn nice isn't it? I can wear this but it made me blind sometimes, the power of right lens is higher than mine, so probably prolong used of it will cost me my eyesight hence I'll be the modern Kasim Selamat or some pre-matured datuk or pak cik. I've always wanted to send it to an eyewear shop, whatever the actual name they are called and get the lens replaced HOWEVER since the lens are humongous, I probably become miskin at the end of it, OR maybe papa kedana for the rest of the month or years.
1. Yves Saint Laurent
2. Marilyn Monroe
3. James Dean
4. David Gandy
2. Marilyn Monroe
3. James Dean
4. David Gandy
Hmm. now I'm contemplating, does an eyewear shop use the barter system? I'll just give away my kidney instead. Boleh ke?