#cita-cita sebelum akhil baligh - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Wednesday, 19 March

#cita-cita sebelum akhil baligh

I wish Malaysia's fashion industry is as good as whats in Paris, Milan and New York. Well I don't care much about the clothes though, I'm more attracted to the models. When I was younger *cough old man*, I had this dream to become a talent scout.

Bila tengok video Douglas Perret dari Confession of a creative director aka COACD excited sendiri, kerja dia macam seronok, pergi public places lepas tu duduk berjam-jam tengok anak-anak muda yang comel-comel, handsome-handsome dan lawa-lawa, very paedophile-ish gitu. Fun job.

Tapi dekat Malaysia ada lima orang je model, pusing-pusing tu je. So macamana? kena tunggu diorang retired ke baru boleh cari baru?

Matilah makan pasir sampai umur 67 tahun.

OK bye.

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