I've always wanted a bicycle like this, well ignore the condition, it looks very much a junk in this photograph but with few repair and replacement, spray paint it black with gold trimming it will look super gorgeous. OK sekarang dekat mana yang aku nak mengayuh?
To be living in beautiful places and sufficient bicycle friendly roads, at least pavement would be great, maybe in Paris, Antwerp or some cool Scandinavian countries. In Malaysia on the other hand, the roads are way too crazy, it's either you'll die kena gelek kereta, or you'll get heart attack sambil mengayuh sebab semua orang memandu macam tak pernah tengok kereta.
Untuk kesinambungan semua, para pengayuh basikal sepatutnya diwajibkan untuk membuat wasiat secara faraid atau civil sebelum mula mengayuh.
To be living in beautiful places and sufficient bicycle friendly roads, at least pavement would be great, maybe in Paris, Antwerp or some cool Scandinavian countries. In Malaysia on the other hand, the roads are way too crazy, it's either you'll die kena gelek kereta, or you'll get heart attack sambil mengayuh sebab semua orang memandu macam tak pernah tengok kereta.
Untuk kesinambungan semua, para pengayuh basikal sepatutnya diwajibkan untuk membuat wasiat secara faraid atau civil sebelum mula mengayuh.
Anyhow, my skin is in the worst condition lately, it feels and looks like granulated coconut, kasar-kasar. I don't know why, right after exam it got better and now I get few zits here and there, and I'm not quite keen on that, because I have quite a fair tone, so bila muka kau penuh jerawat merah-merah nampak macam cupcake on drug, merekah-rekah warna merah, maybe a red velvet one.
Talking about red velvet, I don't f understand people who go berserk at red velvet cake, seriously what's so special about it, yes it's red, cencaluk is pink, well the taste is somewhat between gruesome and manly-sweat-ish. Why? the original recipe uses beetroot, well for that I understand, beetroot has a very sweet, out-of-the-world taste, but chemically colored cake? it tastes like sirap rose at kenduri kahwin.
Don't let me start on rainbow colored cake. That one is crazy, why do you need 76 colors on a cake?
I probably use kuih seri muka as my cake, at least the color is from pandan leaf, tak ke aku Melayu tradisional? (duduk bersimpuh sambil makan sireh)
p/s : Pekerja KFC kurang ajar video (click here) reminds me of my service crew days, people throwing money at your face, I didn't feel angry, I was too caught in that stripper-ish feeling and moment, "Oh beginilah rasanya bila orang campak duit kat aku, kelas! macam penari tiang" Oh by the way Mr who threw money in my face, I spit in your drink. Thank you.