Make up tutorial : How to look like a sexy sembelit Robert Pattinson - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Sunday, 23 March

Make up tutorial : How to look like a sexy sembelit Robert Pattinson

I honestly am obssesed with Edward Cullen, well Robert Pattinson, although I get his name wrongly spelled everytime, but I really like him as a person. Although sometimes he looked abit like someone who's at the verge of buang air besar, but I still like him. Hence for today, I'll show you an easy make up tutorial on how to get his look, without stabbing your girlfriend or sister who is a makeup guru. I'm still new at make up, so hopefully people won't kutuk me for my very excellent skill at make up.

Such an inspiration, he looked picture perfect, I on the other hand look slightly distorted. I was trying to give that "Eh serius tak tahan nak tercirit birit look" with such suave, very James Dean Like, however tak jadi, I look like someone from Vietnam.

Lets start with the tutorial, First thing first, you must prepare yourself for this huge journey of self transformation, seriously big. I was so nervous, focus and excited. I peed a little in my tiny pants due to over excitement.

Step 1
Protect your hair from the make up by covering it with scarf or something. Your facial expression is very important. Continue doing that "Eh nak berak" face all the way long, while doing that try to remember all the Shaolin Temple super powers, because being a modern Vampire is not easy, one must know how to climb trees and jump from one tree to another.  Not to forget super power to make sure your wife would not snap in half during the conceiving of your extra strong baby girl.

the perfect constipated look.

Step 2
Jawline is extremely important here, massage your jaw till it becomes prominent. If your body fat percentage is higher than mine, you just uli-uli your face till you die, in hope it magically becomes prominent, if not you just sagat your jaw using pengukur kelapa.

Step 3
This is a major step, get a packet of normal flour, anything that makes your skin glows. For this tutorial I'm using a regular flour, you can also use tepung ubi, if your are a tradisional Malay, tepung jagung, if you like Chinese cuisine, or even tepung atar if you are an avid lover of Indian cuisine. Matilah mama bunuh aku if she finds out I'm using her tepung gandum.
Tepung gandung normal texture, you can also replace with debu pasir, or pasir kucing if you like scented sand.

Just tenyeh-tenyeh on your face, make sure it is well distributed, the last thing you need in your life is an uneven coating of flour on your face. It sounded so wrong, why does it sound like I'm coating chicken thigh or breast in crispy flour?

Get to every inch of your face, you need it boy. 

Step 3
This is utmost important, everything in film is a camera trick. Try to find your best angle. There is no secret to find the best angle, cam whoring the entire day would help. Just snap away.

Ok aku nampak macam meja belajar, almari dua pintu.

Too much, mata kecil konon-konon seksi.

Perfect, jaw line is there, messy hair and I'm having a very bad stomach ache look. Although I don't look like Robert Pattinson entirely, with the help of computer engineering, I could be manipulated to look very much like him. Kira aku lepas ni bertambah gorgeous dari normal.

Step 4
Edit on Photoshop or any computer programs that you like. I prefer Photoshop. Try to saturate the colour to make it look more mysterious and very much dark ala vampire era.

and VOILA!

the end result,

OK Bye.

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