Sandra Azwan's fashion night out. - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

Sandra Azwan's fashion night out.

So many things happened in my life these days, and the fact that things happened in huge packet, series of events I am more calmer these days. Kalau dulu, mahu berpeluh-peluh lepas tu cakap pun tunggang langgang. Kata orang yang kita sayangi, bila kita semakin meningkat usia, jadi semakin matang dan teratur. I guess it is happening to me now. I thank god for that.

So apa yang menarik berlaku dekat diri ini? Lepas bertukar dari guna phone zaman batu kepada Black berry, banyak yang berlaku, I got contacted by so many people. Bila bangun tidur tengok BBM request ada banyak, lepas tu gelabah. I posted my BBM pin on twitter, kenapa? sebab aku tak rajin nak text seekor demi seekor rakan sebaya, bila hantar secara pukal, lebih afdal dan menjimatkan kredit yang tak seberapa. Bila BBM pin direpost dan repost, aku dah macam trophy. I'm glad I added some of you, sebab anda sememangnya menyeronokkan dan mengiurkan. Amboi!

So I was contacted by someone I met here, on the internet. Siapa? sudah tentulah kena mengena dengan fesyen, truly he is an amazing designer. Walaupun aku gemarkan fesyen, aku tak pernah berpeluang dan memahami how clothes construction works, sebab aku bayangkan lukis-lukis lepas tu masuk dalam mesin magis, panggil Doraemon dan tiba-tiba siap. Sudah tentulah bila dicontact designer  Sandra Azwan, aku macam manusia hilang pedoman sebentar, bila Sandra message di twitter, 
"Babe, add me on BBM, **********"

Are you kidding me? someone I stalk everyday on blog tetiba message, adakah aku dalam Candid Camera? MTV flash prank? Kami bertext-text dan aku meroyan sekali lagi, berbuih-buih, macam syndrome meroyan suami mati isteri. I was invited to his fashion show, dimana? Celebrities Club, Solaris, Mon't Kiara.

Sandra in person is very down to earth. I didn't expect that, very futuristic, for me out of all other designers, he bears so much potential. Cakap dengan dia lapan ratus kali, he reminds me of Raf Simon and Kris Van Assche. Tak terkejut in near future, he would be someone in Fashion industry. OK post bunga-bunga ni bukan sebab he invited me to his show, ni memang ikhlas dari sanubari.

Sandra to me, is a very young designer, who is very fashion forward, jauh dia fikir, and it translates in his creation. He is very good in playing with little-little detail tanpa kelihatan sarat. Mampu? I told him (tak ingat, ye kot, kalau tak kalau Sandra baca ni kira sudah bagitahulah *smile*), with his talent, people would want pieces of his design, with people ribuan subscribing to his blog, I bet if he starts designing some fashion items for men and women, semua akan meroyan to get a piece termasuklah diri ini, walaupun tak akan muat anything mungkin jacket tu hanya mampu dijadikan stokin atau kupiah.

Homaigod amazing.
Very clean and very sharp, I f love it. Jujurnya aku kalau perihal pakaian wanita ni agak suam suam kuku, tidak menyebabkan adrenalin membuak-buak. Aku lebih gemarkan pakaian lelaki sebab lebih simple dan tidak rumit. Sarung dan layerkan dah cukup nampak mengiurkan, kalau pakaian wanita ni penuh kesenian dan banyak perincian. Tapi bila tengok baju Sandra, first time aku dapat perasaan berdebar-debar macam pertama kali jumpa cinta. The same feeling bila aku tengok collection Lanvin, especially bila the finale look, the middle dress, that light fabric made quite an entrance, kudos to the model and the designer. I say genius combination.

There were three designers showing their collection that day, his (Sandra) stood out very well, aku agak bosan dengan pakaian-pakaian ala kelambu, yang pelik-pelik macam students' final project. I didn't get the lelaki gold spender and gold bathrobe, ala ala king of Thailand. He (the model) looked quite uncomfortable (the other designer), which I find defeat the entire purpose of fashion, to make you confident dan bersinar-sinar ala Anita Sarawak.

The sole male model, cum the organizer, wajib tengok kasut yang dia pakai, its this fatass huge boots with platform, reminds me alot of Kazaky, well in androgynous way, somewhat awesome like K*ss that band  I didn't have the opportunity to touch or have a close look on the all the clothes, sebab I was on the second floor, macam tenung-tenung dari jauh dari belakang abang-abang Iran, so I hope Sandra would post the pictures of all the dresses on his blog really soon. Tak sabar.

All the jackets are to die for, boleh jual buah pinggang dan adik beradik untuk beli satu. I love the color combination (gold, brown very bumi atau earthy) and the construction too, boleh kesima sebentar,  nampak well done dan well executed. Kemas dan kemas dan kemas. Dari drawing comel-comel, he constructed an amazing collection. he told me a complicated design would take approximately 2 to 3 days to complete, hampir-hampir aku jawab,
"Kalau I, I would take lapan juta tahun, tu pun tak pasti menjadi bentuk, mungkin design dress akan menjadi kain pelikat with ribbons lilit, tak pun jadi kain kapan, or baju kupu-kupu lepas tu namakan collection J'adore A paris, walhal design ala ala batik kelantan"

Finale look, serious aku dekat atas macam nak lompat turun bawah and dance under that light fabric, macam berterbangan, the same effect in Lanvin's collection. Aku serious terdiam, sementara all the iranian girls next to me were busy cam whoring, 
"Kau buta ke apa kiah? fucking amazing pieces and kau sempat cam whoring dan joget santai bersama Norliah Ghani? hellow! lukisan bunga-bunga matahari tu can wait, nanti boleh camwhore disebelah gambar tu, not now, look down!"

Bila dah pulang ke rumah, ada banyak benda yang aku fikir, macam pergi final exam, feeling-feeling student graduate dengan Anugerah Naib Chancellor:

  • The event didn't do justice to Sandra Azwan and all the other designers, people were there to have fun, in which aku pun tak pasti sebab ada lapan orang je on the dance floor. During the fashion show people were more focus on the friends next to them, so aku hampir-hampir lepuk muka lelaki iran sebelah aku yang busy mengorat pengkid sebelah dia. Hello! Ar-Mah-Zing stuff down there.
  • Memerlukan industri fesyen yang tidak buta akan bakat-bakat (kelas!) baru macam mereka ni, based on what I've seen, Sandra represents many others out there, who can create tres beau, fantastic collection but not given opportunity to shine. I'm not shocked these people would be someone in near future, sebaris dengan Prabal Gurong, Philip Lim, Altuzzara, Zang Toi, dan Bernard Chandran. Waktu tu, gigit jarilah kau, pergi buat fesyen show KIKO.
  • Magazines, more exposure please, I saw his spread in Intrend (tekan sini) played on huge screen at the event, mati-mati aku ingat international designer. Nangis, please people start eyeing on these designers, editors maybe, sebab bila mereka dah international, kau gigitlah jari, buat editorial seronok sendiri, lepas tu gunalah baju Marc Jacob dan Versace yang kau pinjam lima hari lepas tu pulang balik.

"Thank you Sandra Azwan for the opportunity, I hope the best for you, and whatever pun just don't stop what you are doing, you are on the right track and insyallah I'll see you one day di atas sana, di Kota Paris mungkin, berdiri bangga di tengah-tengah Grand Palais dikelilingi 34 models sambil ditepuk gemuruh oleh Anna Wintor dan konco-konconya."

P/S : BB aku rosak, kena sumpah pontianak, so bila dah OK, boleh sex chat. :)

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