cinta dan sex - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Tuesday, 18 March

cinta dan sex

Hello gorgeous people.

OK, dahulu kala bila ada rakan yang cakap fasal BB, rasa macam nak tampar, BLACKBERRY Ya, bukan BABI BUNCIT. I finallt got my hands on one recently, dan sekarang aku sangat addicted. Bila bangun perkara pertama yang harus dibuat, menjerit dengan nada paling annoying,
"BBM, ya alls"
Aku rasa lepas ni kalau aku dirompakn bersama rakan karib, aku akan cakap,
"Perompak, ambilah mereka bukan BB saya, sebab kejelitaan adalah hak milik setiap insan"
Whatever pun, so many things happened in my life, I get extremely confused lately,as to what I want to dan what I expect to be in future. Mungkin sebab usia bukan semakin muda, rasa macam kena capai sesuatu sebelum certain age. Kalau boleh describe this feeling in fahion sense, has got to be, dark blue jeans and light earthy color shirt and my awesome vintage navy Kenzo blazer and a pair of those awesome suade loafers.


I lost my fashion sense lately, percayalah kalau masa kehidupan tak tentu, dengan tekanan tahap tertinggi, you become less and less particular about what you wear. However I felt rejuvenated yesterday, macam terbangun dari tidur, constantly when I see my friends dalam muka paling ketat, mesti tanya "are you OK dear?" dan reply paling biasa dari aku selalunya,
"No one would care more about yourself, but you, so take a good care of yourself, be less responsive to the vulgar and mean things people see in you, and enjoy life,"
selalunya dengan feeling-feeling Oprah Winfrey.

so people, sayangi diri anda, I have amazing thing to share with you guys soon.

Add me on twitter, @rizalyaakub , lepas tu msg me you BB pin, insyallah I'll try to add you guys.


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