Weekly Royal Fashion Awards: November 12-19, Plus More Stuff - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Tuesday, 18 March

Weekly Royal Fashion Awards: November 12-19, Plus More Stuff

Best in Regular Stuff
Crown Princess Victoria
Mathilde at a couple palace events and visiting a hospital; Kate out and about at a charity; Mary at a meeting; Victoria at the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences' formal gathering, at a couple engagements and holding an audience
Call this the non-trip category - and call Victoria the winner, if only for giving us at least one evening gown, even if it is a repeat and even if it is another almost-tiara-but-not occasion.
Brightest in Trips
Queen Máxima
Yesterday we caught up with the traveling Danes and Spaniards, today we have a partial selection of the Dutch on their ongoing introductory trip to the Caribbean. Máx on a big trip is usually like catnip to me, so I'm not sure why this one's left me feeling rather meh so far. Ah, well, they're not done yet. No matter what, I remain impressed at her ability to dig up so many neon-flavored outfits.

And an Honorable Mention to...
The Hats of National Day in Monaco

Video, above
Charlene's coat is giving me Star Trek bathrobe vibes, but you have to give the Monaco crew: those were some actual hats. All hats or no hats, no fascinator shenanigans here.

And One Last Addition...
The Countess of Wessex

Video, above
So much going on right now, I nearly forgot to give Sophie her proper due for rocking her Benjamin Button fabulousness in Valentino red while celebrating Doctor Who at Buckingham Palace. Do you think if I wrote to the palace really nicely, I could get her secret for de-aging? Because I'm just getting older over here, and it's not fair.

Who was your best dressed last week?

Photos: Belga/Getty Images/VTM Nieuws/WPA Pool/Kongehuset/Scanpix/Kungahuset/TT/Lehtikuva/DutchPhotoPress/ANP/NOS

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