Lavender and Lilac Roses & Peonies for Sarah & Barry's Beautiful Wedding Day at St Helen's Church Waddington & Eaves Hall - WEDDING FLOWERS
News Update
Saturday, 15 March

Lavender and Lilac Roses & Peonies for Sarah & Barry's Beautiful Wedding Day at St Helen's Church Waddington & Eaves Hall

 We have had the most lovely time planning the flowers for this beautiful wedding, we've enjoyed some brilliant appointments with Sarah & her lovely Mum Julie, we learned about their plans for a super stylish wedding day over at St Helen's Church, Waddington with one of my all time favourite Vicars Reverend John Brocklehurst and with the wedding reception at magnificent Eaves Hall the day was destined to be a belter,  if all of that wasn't enough there was the most stunning gown by Augusta Jones from Elizabeth & Camilla at Mears Ghyll Bridal Rooms, Jo and Cass were doing the hair and Harley the make up, they had the legendary photographer Brett Harkness capturing all of the magic and they had the most wonderful fresh flowers...
We'd met up to go through this beautiful mood board, we talked about all of the plans in great detail,  we couldn't wait to see the beautiful cake that Bride's Mum Julie was making
We met up again a few weeks before the wedding to present a set of sample designs, we'd made a sample Bridal bouquet which included a heavenly collection of Lavender and Lilac Roses with fresh Scabious, Peonies,Astrantia, Astilbe, Wax Flower and fresh Herbs and foliages
 We tried the bouquet against the Bridesmaids dress

 We made a sample tall table design for them to see
Posies of fresh flowers were designed to dress the Pew Ends
 A sample of our Reflections Top Table design 

 On the big day Lily, Tom & I headed off to Eaves Hall to present our Bride and her Bridesmaids with their Bridal Bouquets

 I unveiled the box much to the delight of our Bride and her Bridesmaids
A box filled with heavenly fresh flowers

 I handed out all of the bouquets

 I showed everyone how to carry their bouquets perfectly

 Sarah's beautiful wedding bouquet included Roses; Dolcetto, Earl Grey, Fifth Avenue, Silver Lace, Amnesia and Memory Lane, fresh Lily of the Valley, Sweet Peas, Scabious, Wax Flower Blossom, Peonies and fresh Herbs and Eucalyptus

 The Bride's Mum's Hand Bag Corsage with fresh Lily of the Valley, Veronica, Albiflora, Snowflake Rose Buds, Astrantia, Nigella and ax Flower Blossom

 Julie looked absolutely fabulous the most glamorous Bride's Mum
Our team headed off to St Helen's Church where we dressed the door arch with a magnificent garland of fresh Hydrangeas, Roses, Jasmine, Sweet Peas and Peonies

Inside this magnificent Church four pedestal designs framed the space exquisitely

 Posies of fresh Roses, Lissianthus, peonies and Sweet Peas dressed the pew ends

 Lily and I lined up all of the boutonnieres ready to pin them on to the Groom's Men

The Bride Groom's rather special Boutonniere included lots of elements used in the Bridal Bouquet

 The Groom's Mum's Blush & Ivory Corsage of Rolled Petals miniature Roses and Veronica created for Sheila
 Simpel Rose Boutonnieres for Nana Frances and Auntie Vera
 Sarah's super handsome Bride Groom Barry was first to have his Boutonniere pinned to his lapel

 We'd bound the stem of the boutonniere in navy blue ribbon to match the Groom's suit
 We pinned on all of the Groom's Men's Boutonnieres ensuring each one was positioned perfectly

 The Groom's super proud Mum Sheila looked lovely
 The Groom's Dad Lance

 Fresh fragrant Rose Petal Confetti

 We always provide the lovely Vicar with a boutonniere
I'd helped Rev John choose a stole to match the bridal colours and the boutonniere we'd created for him
 The gorgeous Brides Mum & Bridesmaids arrived in vintage style in a Malvern Wedding Car
 Thankfully there's a rather large Lytch Gate at St Helen's so our beautiful Bridesmaids could shelter from the rain 
 The Bridesmaid's carried smaller versions . of the Bridal Bouquet

 The arrival of the Bride showered with blessings from above

The exquisite Bridal Bouquet of lavender Roses, Peonies, Sweet Peas and Lily of the Valley
 Our fabulous Groom's Men provided an umbrella canopy for the Bridal party

 Sarah looked absolutely breathtakingly beautiful

 Barry waited patiently

 Massive Congratulations to Sarah & Barry from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

 The guests lined up on either side of the path ready for the confetti shower

 We followed the Bridal car up to Eaves Hall

We'd taken this 'Before' picture earlier in the day
Now the 'After' pic the dining room looked truly magnificent
Some of the tables were dressed with magnificent FD Flower Bombs

The Top Table looked wonderful with our Reflections design set on a series of mirrors a collection of glass cylinder vases filled with fresh flowers and floating candles
Some of the tables were dressed with a collection of posies set on a mirror with fresh Rose Petals and candles

 The truly magnificente wedding cake created by the Bride's brilliant Mum Julie
 The banqueting Manager at Eaves Hall Barry ready for show time...

 We'd surrounded Julie's cake with a plethora of fresh fragrant Rose Petals

Our work here was done but we still had to clear away and leave places exactly as we found them so we returned to Church to remove the arch garland and at 2am we were back at Eaves Hall where we dismantled the table designs, we watered all of the designs and left them all on the porch for the Bridal party to take home, it's all part of our services.

Huge thanks to Sarah & Barry and both of their gorgeous families for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers for them

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