Entri pornografi : membaca jambatan ilmu (Lucah) - WEDDING FLOWERS
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Tuesday, 18 March

Entri pornografi : membaca jambatan ilmu (Lucah)

I would probably never get the hang of reading, well I mean I read sometimes but it will usually be some random fashion magazine with pictures of naked people (read : semi nudity) on the cover, maybe few penises and lots and lots of tits for some weird reason. I don't really understand why international fashion magazines love publishing naked editorials in the magazine, well kenapa bogel? bukan ke tu fesyen magazine? bukan fesyen tu baju-baju? seluar-seluar? dresses dan sebagainya. Kalau letak gambar orang bogel apa yang nak tunjuk?

Cakap fasal membaca, currently I'm reading this book Julie Powell, Julie & Julia. She's actually a blogger who tried the entire recipes in this book and blogged about it for 365 days. Well I know this from HBO not the book because I haven't finish reading yet. I'm at the verge of making this book a beautifully colored sesendal pintu, or maybe baling dekat makhluk halus that keeps making the nextdoor neighbour's dog barks all night long.

I get all gundah gulana, gelisah whenever I start reading, usually it follows with masalah peluh yang melampau and constant checking on the number of page I have read and that I have yet to read and also the godamn  thickness of the book.

Is it normal guys?

I seriously need to start reading because I want to be smart, well actually more of looking smart just like that guy on 500 days of summer. Korang tengok tak berapa nerdy seksi  Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks in that film? Chick digs that, mereka gemarkan lelaki yang pandai dan tidak takut pada susunan-susunan perkataan yang tak difahami oleh diri sendiri.
Kan? bila tengok gambar ni terus nak baca buku banyak-banyak sampai mata juling lepas tu jerit "Penis!" 

Good lucklah membaca, kalau habis baca bolehlah buat kenduri pulut kuning tak pun nasi ambeng.

P/s :Kalau belajar rajin-rajin boleh jadi macam couple yang buat BBQ party today, both pilot, one commercial airplane pilot, the wife is a fighter plane pilot. That makcik was inspirational almost build an altar in her spirit, tapi since haram tak jadi. OK bye.

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