I don't know why, tapi I very nervous you know. Trip ke Sabah coming soon, tapi I am so miskin now, I probably just stay at the airport pitching in with all the kakak cleaner, or maybe just tolong the cabin crew cleaning up the fleet.
I sometime wonder how rich some of my friends are. Seriously, they travel like nobody's business. I mean they don't have to go through the sesi cincang petang with the Mother Theresa (read : parents), Oprah Winfrey (read : parents) and the Kim Jong-il (read : parents) prior to their voyage. I probably get the kak Anita Sarawak kejung look if I were to say things like, hmm,
I sometime wonder how rich some of my friends are. Seriously, they travel like nobody's business. I mean they don't have to go through the sesi cincang petang with the Mother Theresa (read : parents), Oprah Winfrey (read : parents) and the Kim Jong-il (read : parents) prior to their voyage. I probably get the kak Anita Sarawak kejung look if I were to say things like, hmm,
"Mama, I nak pergi ke (fill in the blank with any island that pops up in your skull). Can you please hand me your supplementary (credit/debit) card,"I'm sure which ever way the respond is, the effect is detrimental to your either mental health or physical longevity. Mungkin respond pertama mama akan tetak aku in few pieces probably in Mona Fendi style while waving her index finger to the left and right right in my face before uttering words I believe would probably be,
"Kau ingat kat Lindsey Lohan? Rihanna? kerja sikit lepas tu nak holiday suka ria atas tongkang dekat San Tropez? berbikini bagai?"or maybe mama akan menyeru semangat Thangathirai for asian flavour. However so, as aforementioned, the end result would be .. FATAL. OK tak adalah drama sangat tapi kasih emak ni ditangan-tangankan. In conclusion mother would definitely against the idea of vacation.
Berbalik tentang kekayaan rakan sebaya. These lucky people go to high end places for few pieces of simple cakes (read kuih-muih tradisional melayu). So I heard a piece of kuih loyang and kuih seri muka in Serai would cost a fortune. Kalau aku cakap dengan mama,
How awesome these people are, but I like my life better, I earn every penny i spend. That is even more awesome.
I just came back from a shopping trip with parents when I wrote this Older people are so confusing, so I heard older people saying,
How can this be so hard? it's so f ugly I puked green.
"Mama, I'm craving for kuih Luminous face (read : seri muka) from Serai,"She will probably force-feed me the entire loyang of kuih seri muka before slashing me into bite size pieces and make me the filling of her absolutely mouth-watering karipap pusing.
How awesome these people are, but I like my life better, I earn every penny i spend. That is even more awesome.
I just came back from a shopping trip with parents when I wrote this Older people are so confusing, so I heard older people saying,
"These are beautiful, I can't pick which one I want,"So I looked, it was,
How can this be so hard? it's so f ugly I puked green.